17 Year Old Hedge Fund Manager Jacob Wohl on Tasty Trade

Jacob Wohl on TastyTrade in 2015 -- Follow Jacob Wohl here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/JacobAWohl Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobawohl/ StockTwits: https://stocktwits.com/JacobAWohl Trumblr Blog: https://jacobawohl.tumblr.com/ Personal Site: http://wohlofwallstreet.com/ Fund Website https://MontgomeryAssets.com/


  1. The Case for Boutique Asset Management, By Jacob Wohl https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/case-boutique-asset-management-jacob-wohl?published=t
  2. Check out my latest trading blog, 'Market Liquidity and Futures Scalping' http://seekingalpha.com/instablog/48048475-jacobawohl/4968930-market-liquidity-futures-scalping
  3. Fair play to the young guy
  4. At the age of 17 you cannot have a managed portfolio record (personal or otherwise) long enough to demonstrate true alpha. People can randomly trade and see large returns for several years by pure chance. A fraction of these people will appear as if they are "good," but this is known as survivorship bias. We don't see the people using similar strategies who got bad draws. Not to mention, there's not enough time for true financial managers to play sports and go to school.
  5. This guy is a complete fraud
  6. Is this like that penny stock trader kid that made 300k at 17? I hope not because this isn't very believable.
  7. The fuck? he isnt a fucking manager. hes a little kid whose brain hasnt even developed fully yet. wtf. how could anyone let a kid who get his ice cream from mom run a fund
  8. The interviewer is freakin annoying. He isn't giving the guy a chance to answer the question. Just keeps interrupting with his own story. Idiotic fuck.
  9. He started so early.
  10. Looks like Mathew Maconohy (no idea how to spell his name and can't be bothered looking it up).
  11. Wall Street is a great movie
  12. what an idiot intervieweE SHUT UP!!!
  13. This interviewer is Shit!! Let the fucking guy speak!! You spoke more than him in the interview!!!
  14. wow i don't even have a word for this man.
  15. Let Jacob talk man, are you interviewing him or yourself?
  16. you have to have money to use it
  17. Good interview
  18. Lol, Same. 16 rn.
  19. It's actually illegal to operate a financial institution under the age of 18. soooo this whole thing is bullshit.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 132013

Duration: 23m 25s

Rating: 536