23 must reads from the worlds most renowned investors Part 2

So, you want to learn about investing? Here are 23 free resources from renowned investors: http://bit.ly/23mustread. Part 2: #13 Should Rich Corporations Return Stockholders’ Cash? Benjamin Graham mentioned about the issue of companies holding too much cash, and the best solution was for companies to return the excesses. But of course, things are not so simple as they seem to be. Read it here: https://valuehunter.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/graham_forbes_1932_return_cash.pdf #14 Should Rich But Losing Corporations Be Liquidated? Benjamin Graham went on to talk about the helplessness of shareholders if companies are trading at stock prices below their value, and yet management refuses to return the excess cash to shareholders. Should these companies be taken private then? Read it here: https://valuehunter.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/graham_forbes_liq_1932.pdf #15 Collection of Walter Schloss Writings Walter Schloss was a lesser known investor even though he was a friend and ex-colleague of Warren Buffett while they were working for Benjamin Graham. Schloss was not quite a public person and had few writings published. A collection of them could be found here: http://www.rbcpa.com/Walter_Schloss_writings.pdf #16 What Has Worked In Investing Tweedy, Browne has published this paper which summarises findings of finance professors with regard to factors for stock market returns. Concise and easy to read, you can get it here: https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/sites/valueinvesting/files/files/what_has_worked_all.pdf #17 The High Dividend Yield Return Advantage Another study compiled by Tweedy, Browne but this has a focus on showing empirical evidence that high dividend yielding stocks contribute greatly to investing returns. Read it here: http://www.tweedy.com/resources/library_docs/papers/HighDivStudyFUND2014Web.pdf #18 Value Investing and Behavioral Finance Christopher Browne of Tweedy, Browne, presented the behavioural challenges to value investing. He went at length to argue why value investing is a superior strategy and why most investors, even professionals, find it hard to adopt. Read it here: http://www.tweedy.com/resources/library_docs/papers/ChrisBrowneColumbiaSpeech2000.pdf #19 Profiles in Investing: A Legacy of Value An interview with Christopher Browne where he shared his investing approach. http://www.grahamanddoddsville.net/wordpress/Files/Gurus/Christopher%20Browne/02_12%20Browne.pdf #20 How the Economic Machine Works Ray Dalio manages one of the biggest funds in the world simplify the economy in 30 mins. A video as well as a well documented text. Watch and read here: http://www.economicprinciples.org/ #21 The All Weather Story The famous risk parity concept by Ray Dalio and his associates is documented in this document. Read it here: http://www.bwater.com/Uploads/FileManager/research/All-Weather/All-Weather-Story.pdf #22 David Einhorn’s Speech at Value Investing Congress 2oo6 This is one of the rare David Einhorn’s speeches available. He is also an accomplished poker player and in this speech he relates poker to investing. Read it here: http://www.aboveaverageodds.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/einhorn_vic_roe2006.pdf #23 Answers from Joel Greenblatt This is an interview with Joel Greenblatt about his successful magic formula strategy, a mechanical value investing approach. Read it here: http://www.gurufocus.com/news/59450/answers-from-joel-greenblatt-are-here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://bit.ly/23mustread : 23 must reads from the World's most renowned investors...and it's free ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want more investing learning resource? Here's a free ebook on 'How to invest your first $20,000': https://bigfatpurse.leadpages.co/investing-20k/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BigFatPurse is now Dr Wealth. All new videos will be at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMr1QIMz1271XRuOfzyTJ2w


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