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  1. We smashed 50 likes in 1 hour almost!
  2. These don't work
  3. AWESOME TOOL FOR FIFA 17 POINTS AND COINS HACK > https://vk.com/id410991251?w=wall410991251_72
  4. i just made my own low-budget sniping filter! on my channel
  5. Dude thank you so much I'm halfway through the sbc giovinco and messed up and didn't have a team and thus trading method got me a 30k hybrid with giovinco sbc in it. Thank you so much man I subbed
  6. Nice Vid!!!!
  7. i was sniping pro league in forms for like 35 to 45k and sell em for 55k to 65k
  8. Seen this on your stream, decent trading method :)
  9. You should do a live trading stream
  10. Yo just made 10k in 45mins thank u. Keep up the good work
  11. Hi im new awesome content man i will stay tuned! I was sent here by spenceational 86
  12. Sick video!😎
  13. Seen this trading method in your stream πŸ‘
  14. Cheers bro
  15. DecentπŸ‘πŸ»
  16. I'm halfway through the higuan sbc and I've spent 70k
  17. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  18. 3rd
  19. 2
  20. nice vid

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Visibility: 3855

Duration: 2m 27s

Rating: 131