"A Forex Trader's Mindset" - Audiobook - Forex Trading Audiobook - Samuel Morton

Welcome to the free copy of my audiobook "A Forex Trader's Mindset". The audiobook is split into 3 segments, which provide various insights on how a traders mindset has a major impact on trading performance. This audio book is the 2nd in a series of 2. You can listen to the 1st audiobook here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hixoLMT_0o Price Action Trading learn more at www.love-the-pips.com Forex and Equity Index Trading Signals www.love-the-pips.com


  1. G'day Samuel, What you say makes a lot of sense in terms of vision and the other information you shared. I'm just starting to look at this area. Could you suggest where might be a good place to start to learn from the ground level? The most basic of basic. Cheers Tanju ,all the best.
  2. hi smh, did you ever go on a course to learn forex or was it all self taught?
  3. sam do you believe that mindset comes before learn technical analysis or after? what do you thing that comes first?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1396

Duration: 21m 18s

Rating: 37