Alan Greenspan: Gold Is Currency; No Fiat Currency, Including the Dollar, Can Match It

November 8, 2014 Greenspan's Stunning Admission: "Gold Is Currency; No Fiat Currency, Including the Dollar, Can Match It" - For some reason, the Council of Foreign Relations, where ex-Fed-Chief Alan Greenspan spoke last week, decided the following discussion should be left out of the official transcript. We can perhaps understand why… as Gillian Tett concludes, “comments like that will be turning you into a rock star amongst the gold bug community.” TETT: Do you think that gold is currently a good investment? GREENSPAN: Yes… Remember what we’re looking at. Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can macth it. Which is missing from the official CFR transcript… GREENSPAN: …remember, we had that first tapering discussion, we got a very strong market response. And then we reassured everybody to have no — remember, tapering is still (audio gap) of an agreement that the central banks have made – European central banks, I believe — about allocating their gold sales which occurred when gold prices were falling down (audio gap) has been renewed this year with a statement that gold serves a very important place in monetary reserves. And the question is, why do central banks put money into an asset which has no rate of return, but cost of storage and insurance and everything else like that, why are they doing that? If you look at the data with a very few exceptions, all of the developed countries have gold reserves. Why? TETT: I imagine right now, it’s because of a question mark hanging over the value of fiat currency, the credibility going forward. GREENSPAN: Well, that’s what I’m getting at. Every time you get some really serious questions, the 50 percent of the gold price determination begins to move. TETT: Right. GREENSPAN: And I think it is fascinating and — I don’t know, is Benn Steil in the audience? TETT: Yes. GREENSPAN: There he is, OK. Before you read my book, go read Benn’s book. The reason is, you’ll find it fascinating on exactly this issue, because here you have the ultimate test at the Mount Washington Hotel in 1944 of the real intellectual debate between the – those who wanted to an international fiat currency which was embodied in John Maynard Keynes’ construct of a banker, and he was there in 1944, holding forth with all of his prestige, but couldn’t counter the fact that the United States dollar was convertible into gold and that was the major draw. Everyone wanted America’s gold. And I think that Benn really described that in extraordinarily useful terms, as far as I can see. Anyway, thank you. TETT: Right. Well, I’m sure with comments like that, that will be turning you into a rock star amongst the gold bug community.


  1. No you can't. As Doug Noland observed in his most recent post:
    At their core, Bubbles are about Credit excess and market distortions. Major Bubbles almost certainly have a major government component. They are indeed toxic, seductively so. Had the Greenspan Fed not backstopped the markets and flooded the system with liquidity post the '87 Crash, Credit would have tightened and bursting Bubble effects would have been readily apparent throughout the data. Instead, late-eighties ("decade of greed") excess ensured spectacular Bubbles in junk debt, M&A and coastal real estate. It's been serial Bubbles ever since.
  2. Gold is MONEY, it's not currency. The central bank trash in your wallet is currency, and for the last 45 years, it has been fiat currency, backed no longer by any type of gold standard, but rather by the hot air of the GOVERNment.
  3. Why is this volume so low? :( I can hardly hear it. Everyone doesn't have boombox speakers.
  4. Gold & Silver is money. Not currency. It's the original, ordained monetary created by God. Gold & Silver goes all the way to Genesis.
  5. Was Greenspan ever right ? What a bullshitter.
  6. Greenspan has always been a gold bug and an imbecile. People who are not familiar with his history seem to think quoting Greenspan praising gold is some kind of a trump card. "Even Greenspan says gold is blah blah." They don't realize that quoting Greenspan is about as credible as quoting Schiff or any of the other kooks who make up the gold bug world.
  7. You do know gold is a rock, right?  If the economy collapsed, it's just as worthless as paper currency.  Real value is in food, water and other essentials.  Everything else is temporarily valuable.  So trading paper for rocks makes no sense.
  8. Any Paul Krugman fans here ?
  9. Wake up people!  Insure your money now...
  10. Another gold is the only stable currency bullshit....

    Indian households have about 11% of the gold in the whole world which is many times the amount of gold in fort knox. If at all there is a dollar crisis, it would severly affect India too and even if Indian households sell quarter of their gold reserve, gold's price will freefall.

    Like any other currency gold is not trustworthy. For anything, if supply increases, its value drops.
  11. Great video!
  12. These people who control our monetary system are evil, not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 11471

Duration: 4m 52s

Rating: 42