Best Use of $100K to Build Wealth Fast | Epic Real Estate Investing The other day I received a question from one of my podcast listeners, and I’ll call him Larry. Larry’s question is not uncommon, by the way. It comes to me frequently in many variations, but here’s the gist… Larry, recently started building his wealth and passive income in real estate. Today he holds a few cash flowing rental properties, and he has $100,000 liquid to invest. “How should I best use $100,000 to build my portfolio the fastest?” was Larry’s specific question. The most important detail of this scenario is that Larry is currently in the wealth building phase of his real estate career. In the building phase you want to get control of as much real estate as possible, and responsibly leverage as much as you can by using other people’s money. The basic “rule o’ thumb” in getting wealthy quickly is to: 1) maximize leverage while building; and 2) eliminate leverage to sustain the wealth you built. Learn more in today's important video...


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    Visibility: 6121

    Duration: 7m 29s

    Rating: 83