Betfair Trading Strategies Explained

In this video I'm going to explain the fundamental principle behind Betfair trading and discuss common strategies employed such as scalping, arbitrage and trend following. Note that trading on Betfair is much harder in practice than in theory. With the premium charge it is now very hard to do very well.


  1. Why the fuck is he talking in $ ?
  2. 对于新手来说还是很有用的,入门贴。
  3. IDIOT
  4. what if the lay does not get matched you loose
  5. listen to Caan Berry (and also, as somebody has already said ,Peter Webb)
    pay absolutely no attention to this misinformed fuckwit!
  6. you dont recommnend trading on betfair ???????????????
    you're an idiot !!!!!!!
    you're misssing a MILLION tricks!!!!
    oh well......
  7. You really don't have a clue.
  8. Don't give up your day job!
  9. I see the date is July 2015
  10. What a load of nonsense.
  11. :D nice explanation of scalping strategy lol
  12. lol mate this was horse shit!
    "Don't follow trends" ... Are you serious? Maybe for a beginner or someone who has no idea then yes, but it's far from "Less Intelligent". If anything, it takes a lot more intelligence. The lesser of intellects is you my friend
  13. im lost 7 minute of my live...
  14. Yeah look up BET ANGEL or CAAN BERRY
  15. Wow what a smart individual ...:)))) he explains the meaning of the brachetz :)) fuck off man :))
  16. This guy works for the bookies.
  17. I dont know why this rubbish is in here. I have a goldfish that knows more than hw does.
  18. Dog shit vid pal
  19. Don't listen to this Pratt, follow bet Angel

Additional Information:

Visibility: 16296

Duration: 7m 5s

Rating: 29