Bix Weir-Disappearance of Dollar Happens This Year

Bix Weir of says, “I do believe it will be this year that they end the manipulation and end this monetary system. . . . . You can see it happening already in Europe. It won’t take long when the Greeks say okay Germany, we are done with you. . . . That whole system will go down, and that will come to the United States. If you have a crash of the system, you will have a crash of the banks. You can’t have one of the big banks go down, because they are all interconnected, and have everybody else stay fine. That is where the disappearance of the dollar will be. . . . This time, they will not be able to stop it because the United States wants the system to crash to get us out of this mess, and we can start fresh again.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Bix Weir, author of the new book, “Silver, Gold, Bitcoin . . . and God.”


  1. Doing trade is extremely profitable when using the right techniques and strategies and also frustrating for those without better system to trade and signal provided. If you need an beneficiary trade and you are loosing out all your investment instead of profiting, there is still a big hope for you to recover all your lost founds. [Some traders will tell you that either you lose or gain] In my case loosing is a failure is not an option........ you can contact me via MICHEALRYAN133@GMAIL.COM. your assurance of profiting instead of losing is 95% on binary trading forex.
  2. So he was wrong. Again^^
  3. It just came to me, that when the collapse has finally come, "they", the ones in power who caused all this financial problem to begin with, will present the "CHIP", an electronic device which will be inserted in the right hand or the forehead of every individual, and people will fall for it with the promise that their money will be restored unto them electronically in this new and collapse proof monetary system, doing so, "they" will get rid of physical currency for good and save the banks once more from possible bank runs.
    That "CHIP", is the monetary system described in the book of Revelation as the mark of the beast, the reign of the Antichrist, Satan in the flesh, and it is around the corner.
  4. Maybe this is a silly question but I'm gonna ask it anyway...What about the IMF and the BIS. My guess would be that yes it's all gonna collapse, however, these guys have had 100 plus years to plan what they would do next. I think the IMF will offer to bail out the united states, if we give up our constitution and come on board the new one world government program and recognize the UN Authority over our country...Surely these central bankers haven't been bleeding our country dry, only to allow it to wiggle lose and get back to sound money and become a problem for them again. After all, these controllers he talks about, most of them are Europeans and they hate what America has stood for in the past. We have been fighting these central bankers from day one. The English King and his central bankers were what we fought to free ourselves from and the reason why every president that has tried to print debt free currency has been assassinated. So, what makes Bix think we will escape these assholes after the collapse? aren't they the ones driving the bus here? Any answer is appreciated...thanks
  5. love this book
  6. Curiously jewish.
  7. fascinating interview...thanks Greg.
  8. Well. That didn't happen.
  9. Is this the Bix of the Bix pickles?????????,
  10. Greg are you seriously believing in satan? You so then you just lost all credibility. Magical thinking... you're an adult!
  11. "All prediction is, just prediction". What a cop out. He's been wrong about every prediction he has made. Why this host keep bringing him back. What's his incentive. If you believe this nut job about dollar collapsing this yr( which I think is lunatic of a statement), get some US nickels.
  12. what a freakin HACK. If we, USA, has million tonne of gold in hiding, how can that hold his claim of gold price going to the moon?
  13. rejigger.
  14. The Debt forgiveness Theory is a very dangerous speculation! "People" can say a lot of things, but, "My" Credit Card Statement says, (This APR  will vary with the Market based on the Prime Rate). I would suspect, an imminent Prime Rate of excruciating proportions!
  15. What's it going to be?
  16. Total bullshit. Greece GDP is 0.3% of the world economy. I live in the UK......nothing has changed. Mark in the UK.
  17. Silver is a scam, Yes.
    Silver gurus were pimps in front of Tijuana bordellos
    before they entered  silver marketing. Silver is overproduced
    and always has been. It is no longer money. Bill Murphy lost 20 million of his clients money and was banned from trading for awhile. See Mineweb about
    Murphy's past. You should have bought a house, but they told
    you to buy silver. Good luck renting.
  18. Here are the possibilities:

    1) keep on printing, subject to foreign buyers of US bonds that fund what taxes can't. More inflation though!

    2) transition back to Gold Standard. However this will benefit countries with a manufacturing base 1st. America has outsourced mfg.

    3) restructure into another currency, the Amero perhaps. This is a mind trick that will keep the existing ponzi scheme economy in place.

    Other than the above, its game over for America who funds its liabilities with bonds purchased by China, India etc. ... All they have to do is stop buying U.S. bonds and the American economy will grind to a hault.

  19. this video is another source-less opinion piece .. look elsewhere for truth
  20. debt wipe out is called JUBILEE and it's a pre-biblical concept.  Jubilee corresponds to Sep 2015.  See the video on Hoover Dam and Newton's decoding of biblical prophecy for some more.

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Duration: 37m 3s

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