Celente: All world currencies are in trouble

A lot to remember 2013 by in the U.S., not all pleasant memories either. But that government shutdown will no doubt stick in people's minds. Teetering on the brink of default severely undermined confidence in the world's leading reserve currency during the year. China even called for building a 'de-Americanised' world. The yuan started to breathe down the dollar's neck, with its sights on becoming the new global currency. For more thoughts where the money race will head in 2014, RT's joined by Gerald Celente, publisher of the Trends Journal. RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com Follow us on Instagram http://instagram.com/rt Follow us on Google+ http://plus.google.com/+RT RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.


  1. The only thing I'm preparing is my firearms.  Let the economies collapse and let's all meet in the streets and resolve the whole issue.
  2. FOLKS, the NWO "masters" WANT the dollar and other major currencies to fall !
    This will allow them to replace ALL currencies with "virtual credit".
    That's right - NO MORE MONEY, JUST CREDIT !
    You will be "allocated" credit based upon various factors - all relating to your "value" as defined by the NWO. Don't dare complain or protest - your credit will be closed !
  3. Not as bad as the ruble.
  4. this creating has always been wrong. just look at older videos.
  5. There is one world currency that is not in trouble; Bitcoin.
  6. Funny, I thought that the BBC was showbusiness for ugly people....hmmmmmmmm. 
  7. of course they closed the parks. they needed money so they closed the parks because people would let them spend more never addressing the real issue.
    like people in their normal life, they just live off their credit until they are on the streets.
    the dollar is getting weaker and inflation is doing that, when things crash deflation happens and money gets stronger, but no one cared to take this fact and run with it. so everyone is still broke 5 6 years latter. so have fun with them mistakes and stop crying, maybe grow up and you will be fine? Im doing great.
  8. its the same owner of the news papers hes reading lol china is bringing fear to the banksters..they see what the rest of us do..
  9. All this fucking talking about the money gone fall, its like a preview of a new movie, they just dont wanna show you now, they will wait a couple of years, almost like a fucking ps3 game, its finished today but after 2 years it will be in the stores, they just checking for bugs and adjusting shit  
  10. @ joker...its not a matter of waking up anymore..it comes down to the slaves actually doing something about it. id love to see a revolution take place, but how can that happen? how can enough people get organized to attack the right targets without being stopped by police/military?
  11. Of course all the world's currencies are in trouble. They are dying. The whole MONETARY system is dying.
    And as any system it is denying that it is dying and it is fighting to stay alive, even if it means killing us all.
  12. Youhooo
  13. Celente has been predicting the big crash since 2008. My buddy has been predicting a crash since 1983. I say: Get a life!
  14. When the USA loses its complete hegemony on the world's financial system, then that will be the time WW3 will initiate. Are people so ignorant to realize that the USA is not going to let a 'de-americanised' world to ever happen? Have people completely forget what happened to Libya because of its anti-American policies to move towards a trading system not tied to the American dollar?

    And what is this clown, Gerald Celente talking about? All currencies are in trouble? What bullshit is he even feeding himself with? The only currencies in trouble are the ones with massive debt such as the USA dollar and are continuously printing them as if they are worth anything when in reality they don't. The Yuan will stand strong and mighty as long as it can withstand financial and possible military attacks by the rogue state of USA.
  15. Celente ma nigga!
  16. The funny thing about Yuan is the value is not appreciating other, it`s just that Chinese goods`value appreciated
  17. Geraldino blurbs stuff from the presstitutes - on the one hand he critizies them and of late, he builds his shows and interviews on them. What gives?
  18. But, but the USA has long defaulted. Are you joking??
  19. Wait... Does, does, does this mean Russia's currency is in trouble too? RT, I never thought you had the guts. Oh, shit, here comes Putin on a horse with a rifle. 
  20. Celente is correct; it is going to be very bad for many people; all over the world!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 22652

Duration: 3m 10s

Rating: 338