Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

TRANSCRIPT AND RESOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/federalreserve What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America's central bank.


  1. Plz join teh loominati
    plz, i am a jew
    i want to control foolish people and make them slaves
    plz i will give you a kookie
  2. If you like this video, you should read "The Creature from Jekyll Island".
  3. The guy who narrates this video sounds like a dork!
  4. This Video Needs 500 Million views!!
  5. end the fed.... gold standard seize rothchild money based on conspiracy fraud to deceive the US government for their profit . they sead give people ehat they want give control of. the money and i control the nation. they are scum root of all wars and problems live free or die . not on my knees. for you roth fed resv.
  6. OY
  7. So that German socialist said that the FED was brought about by 'hardcore capitalism". I would just absolutely love to know how capitalism or a free market in which government regulations are very little if at all controlling brings about a fascistic monetary system , when the fuck that signed it in you law was a leftist ideologist, and by no means a capitalist.
  8. No politician will ever be able to stop corruption from inside the government. No president, no single person, despite being president will be able to do it either.

    To take these people down will require a plan and many extremely trustworthy, loyal, and honest people to back it from outside the current power base in corporate America, international banking, criminal organizations, and the government. It cannot be done from inside those organizations.

    The only currently possible way, without bringing about the fall of our current civilization, is to start from within business and agriculture and start bringing about the change we need in those industries. From that foundation, a plan could be formed to eventually topple these "elites."

    As it stands we are headed for world slavery with us being the slaves and the elite being the slave-masters in a much more literal way than most want to believe.
  9. Congress has power to federalize the fed. and people has power to vote people in congress.
  10. इसे हिंदी में सुनने का कोई तरीका सुझाएँ ,या इस वीडियो को हिंदी में अपलोड करे ये मानवता की एक बहुत बड़ी सेवा होगी ,,,,,में मरी जा रही हूँ इन सभी चीज़ो को समझने के लिए ,पर मेरे लिए भाषा एक बाधा बन गयी है
  11. 1:10:00 banks dont care about the local economy they only seek to speculate and print money and give it to each other, they are a blight
  12. obviously money creates a caste system of those having and printing it and those who have to work for it, slavery redefined
  13. Thank you James, you're doing great job
  14. I think we must 1st look within ourselves, if we have to change this system, then we have to be unconditioned from the issues of the world that has impacted our conscious. i think america has to go through a dark stage 1st, in order to be at peace with her past. because she has such a bad history of suffering, it created an unbearable force of pain. now in 2017 its getting out of hand, to many people are awoke and we simple cant just stand here and accept this old way of ruling anymore. we cant live in peace, because we are slaves, just like the slaves in rome egypt etc. Im tired of talking about the last days, its time to start planning for the new days.
  15. great video...James is great on many subjects..a joy to learn from. however, he's hopelessly ill informed in terms of his denial of climate change. but that's not rare..for a man to be very astute in one or more areas, n very ignorant in others.
  16. This can't be beat it's to big.
  17. Excellent video. Well done!!
  18. Now you listen to me good goy boys - If you kick up a fuss about being our slaves, all we jew boys need to do is drop our weaponised ebola plague on you.
    So shut up and get back to work.
  19. My hatred for jews, and it is bitter hatred, is this simple - THey have taken what are the weaknesses of men and exploited them like enemies of men. Rather than strengthening weaknesses of men, working with mankind, for all progress, they have made their time on this earth like vampires of mankind. ANd they must be genocided to save mankind any more misery.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 983724

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 11748