Cicadas (Web Exclusive): Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Billions of cicadas will soon emerge after spending 17 years underground. John Oliver fills them in on what's happened since 1999. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:


  2. This man is brilliant
  3. I love this guy. He can make jokes about almost any subject imaginable. Who would think something like cicadas could be fodder for so many joke bombs, right?
  4. I'm laughing so hard, I was a 98 baby and ny name is madison
  5. @LastWeekTonight ohhh man I so fucking love u, u are bether then john ever was :D hahahaha! I missed on u for the last 8 years. shit, i regret it. I thought the world is gone mad and in to pure caos an shit. now i see that there are normal people still among us :D. hahaha that gives me hope. and not the obama-way :).
  6. I clicked this video thinking it was about Cicada 3301...

    Not that disappointed.
  7. fuck cicadas. I am more scared of them than spiders
  8. Who even watch this brain dead idiot. Everyone who is subscribed to him is an idiot.
  9. I'm so glad I live in a time in which I don't have to pay for porn XD
  10. Dear Cicadas: Sorry you got hit with so much at one time, also you're children may be the last living things left on Earth soon as Mr. Donald Trump will be president and the human species will most likely implode from fear soon. ~Will wake you if I am still alive (Or on this planet, I heard Mars is great this time of year)
  11. Never thought i wanted to be a cicada but now i do
  12. i was trying to escape the trump presidency and yet it has followed me into the past and presented itself in this video. I'm sorry cicadas, we have failed you.
  13. 2:54 Gets me everytime...I may not always agree with his view point, but John Oliver always makes me laugh.
  14. Goodbye forever Cicadas!
  15. I have to say, some of those let's players are mighty hunky. Check out the Game Grumps. Mmm-mm
  16. being in a grade with most people being born in 1999, i can say that Sophie and Ben are more popular, from my experience. I have never met a Madison, and only one Tyler.
  17. Cicada 3301
  18. "The internet no longer screams in agony, as you dial into it" omg that totally got me xD It really sounded like that!
  19. wow, i always thought cicadas was pronounced "kikadas" #englishasthirdlanguageproblems
  20. That moment when your name is Madison and your brother's name is Tyler...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4136607

Duration: 3m 33s

Rating: 43350