Crypto Currencies and the Dot-Com Bubble.

In this report I cover the historic bubble of the late 1990s and compare the growth of crypto currencies to the growth of the companies. Donations to Maneco64: email: bitcoin ethereum 0x5CecA7DB267169Ca6821edADC0baB80b346Ce6c0


  1. Good point!!
  2. Coin are like stock they will not all go up. and like stock they can go down. Unlike stock they do not have real value.
  3. I agree. Be careful with the altcoins. Many of the altcoins from 2013-2014 are gone now.
  4. The fact that bitcoin has imitators is a good thing. It demonstrates that there is a great deal of interest in the blockchain technology. No doubt some will fail, but the leaders are likely to survive and prosper.

    Amazon.con is still in a bubble, it doesn't make money based on Dave Kranzler's in depth analysis. Accounting tricks fool investors into buying Amazon stock.
  5. Hey maneco64, what do you think about LP gas stocks? LP tech?
  6. For me, the emergence of so many "alternative" crypto-currencies brings the idea of scarcity into question. How can you call something scarce when you can re-create the entire concept as many times as you want, with whatever properties you want? The standard counter argument is "network effect" and the claim that bitcoin's domination in that regard makes it both unique and untouchable at the same time... but that network is about to split. A fork looks inevitable, and with a fork you get 42 million "unique and rare" coins instead of 21 million. Add that to the what - trillion other digital tokens that can be used to move value from point A to point B over the internet and it makes the whole idea of scarcity in cryptocurrencies questionable. Gold is scarce because you can't make a gold 2.0 or a gold 3.0 with the exact same properties. There is and will only ever be one version of gold. There will never be any "alt-golds" that do exactly what gold does. It can't be re-implemented with improvements. it can't be copied or changed. That's true scarcity.

    Also, I think the comparison to the dot com bubble is very appropriate and quite interesting. You're right Maneco64, there are a lot of similarities. I'd never thought about it before but as you talked about it, it really does feel the same in a lot of ways.
  7. By "Taking profit" do you mean converting back to a inflating fiat currency ???
  8. Excellent video, I feel the same way. On reddit all the users of cryptocurrencies are incredibly defensive about their investments and basically shit on everything else, especially gold and silver. When I see that, I know something is up. Bitcoin will probably be one of these fads, like pogs or beanie babies, and it will die out to be taken over by bank regulated crypto currencies.
  9. Tulips, dot.coms, bitcoins. Get one and ride the wave. By now we should all know when to get off the wave before a bust.
  10. I don't like that there are few ways to objectively value is intrinsic worth.
  11. thanks for this video, I missed a recent boom and bought dash at its previous high but my pivx is worth more than twice what I paid for it. tbh it's possible none of the current players will be the one that makes it but I don't buy the bubble argument since hardly anyone trades these things. we are clearly early users so yeah it may well be a bubble but one with a long way to go. Don't bet your house on it though! :p
  12. Bitcoin, Ether, Monero, Golem, Augur are all good investments. Anything else is good for speculators.
  13. domain name was bought by a company I worked for some years ago called (on AIM)
  14. Smart money gets into cryptocurrency ahead of dumb money bubble boom. Only just now have we begun to see any major corporations step into cryptocurrencies.

    The bubble hasn't even begun.

  15. has 786 crypto currencies listed, and this list doesn't include the hundreds (literally) of scam coins that are released every year and vanish into thin air.

    If you're reading this and are newer to the "scene", definitely tread carefully when it comes to alt-coins.

    With that being said, Bitcoin is different. I believe BTC is due for a correction, which is why I've liquidated everything that I had invested in cryptos, but I will re-enter at some point. I expect it will be a year or two down the road.

    There are a few other coins that have a very solid reputation and are managed properly but I don't want to turn this comment into a short story.
  16. 500,000 dollar bitcoin by 2030
  17. I agree that some are scams, but more than 4 will make it buddy, cryptos are the next step.
  18. Bitcoin - 666
  19. Buying crypt-o currency is contrary my goal..Ive never owned it and never will
  20. Maneco64...There's more than 100 cryptos....scroll down the bottom page of worldcoinindex, you will see more pages....There's 498 cryptos showing

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