Dragons' Den 2012 - Zapper.co.uk secures record £250,000 investment

"Sure-footed" entrepreneur Ben Hardyment and co-founder Mat White feel the Dragons' fiery breath in this episode from series 10. In a tense duel they secure an offer from retail expert Theo Paphitis who sees the potential in the business model and the two founders. Duncan - "How do you think it's gone so far, Ben?" Ben - "Pretty catastrophic." http://zapper.co.uk


  1. they should be called Vampires , Not Dragons
  2. 6:07 Hilary finally admits she is a lesbian.......
  3. Ought to be called Cunt's Den.
  4. that chick in the blue is a man
  5. I want the price Microsoft gave people when they were still working in the garage if that how investment works.
  6. LOL you can see Deborah biting her nails realizing she fucked up.
  7. Could have seen if Theo would have accepted 19% in exchange for less money, thus keeping the majority of the company
  8. Looking at the website now, I think Theo lost a lot of money...
  9. im British and i think dragons den is shit shark tank is way better
  10. I'd like to see an UPDATE on this "squishy" investment -
  11. Tbf it was a great idea. Finance was just stingy. That was extremely generous to give a whopping 30% for £50,000.
  12. I don't get why you would use this website when you could just put up and ad on Gumtree and get responses within days.
  13. why are them insulted? it is business, if your evaluation is lower you are not going to buy it, that's all... really do not get it...
    (i get the point 3.3M were a projection based on the 250K influx, but this does not change the point of 'being insulted'...)
  14. Everyone here needs to understand, these dragons are investing their OWN money,
    so clearly they will only strike a deal they are comfortable with. What's the problem with that?

    Furthermore, a majority of start ups fail, so what is this "they just want to make money by doing nothing" argument about? They could very easily lose their entire investment as well, hence the need to secure the best deal possible. Just because they have money does not mean they should be frivolous with it. If I want in at 30% equity, why should I budge from that, especially if the presenter has said nothing else to convince me to lower my stance? This isn't a charity they are running.
  15. So much psychology going on here. The most obvious case being that he attempted to pander to their ego's, mainly Duncan's. Even the books he first laid out were Duncan's and Jones among others.....They can spot a kiss-ass hustler a mile off.
  16. Who the fuck even is Deborah? Silly cow
  17. Why at a later stage pay more? because the company has grown you fucking retard.
  18. apart from the reggae reggae sauce, which is immense btw, have these fuckers made any money from their investments, or actually are they in net profit
  19. Do we really need a host for this show? Fucking annoying hearing his voice every 30 seconds basically repeating everything right after someone says/something happens.
  20. i wanna punch Deborah in the face

Additional Information:

Visibility: 736263

Duration: 14m 9s

Rating: 1540