Drawdown of 50% wins 1:1 reward risk

http://www.onestepremoved.com/ Traders with 50% accuracy and a 1:1 risk reward ratio need to worry about drawdown and returns. Our software models the equity drawdowns for this perfectly random outcome.


  1. Hi Mike, I sell it on a limited basis. Please contact me directly at via the web site.
  2. Hi Shaun,Thanks for the Video.Is there any way you would be able to share the Position Sizing Analysis Software your using?.Thanks.
  3. I totally agree with keeping the risk very low. 1% seems boring until you start planning for worst case scenarios. I'm more comfortable in the 0.5% range, but I commend those who are content to trade less.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2321

Duration: 4m 21s

Rating: 6