Easy Option Trading: The Foundation For Trading Success [Part 1 of 6]

This is the first preview video out of the Easy Option Trading program. In Part 1: The Foundation For Trading Success, you will learn the principles and framework that will cultivate your long-term success in the Stock Market. Part 1 of Easy Option Trading is an hour long training module that is going to teach you the basic fundamentals of trading, making sure you understanding risk, teach you how to calculate the risk-reward profile on a trade, learn about exchange traded funds, master the successful trader mindset, think like a successful trader, lean debits & credits: the foundation of trading options, and get a thorough introduction to futures to wrap things up and get you ready for Part 2: Understanding Options & The Greeks. Learn more at: http://www.EasyOptionTrading.com


  1. It's a process to learn all this
  2. Hi Tyler. I am currently very young (late teens), but I have an avid interest in trading and I would love to learn more and eventually become a successful trader. My interest stems from my uncle who gave me brief lessons on options and futures trading, but unfortunately he lives far away, so learning through him is tough. My question would be, what is the best way to start learning and eventually getting into trading? For example what books are good to read, little basic things a new trader would need to know etc and of course I realize that watching your videos will help a great deal.
    Kind regards.
  3. any info about gopro

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3625

Duration: 6m 11s

Rating: 32