
ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: Trump to Declare Bankruptcy on U.S.

In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV reports Donald Trump to Declare Bankruptcy on the U.S. National Debt. Download your FREE Report: http://www.amtvmedia.com/re-direct-economic-collapse-trump-to-declare-bankruptcy-on-u-s/ ๐Ÿ“บJoin the AMTV Underground ($4.95/month, No Ads): https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/ ๐Ÿ‘Š๐ŸปWatch More LIVE On Demand!!๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/ Join Us: https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/ Forums: https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/forum Follow @amtvmedia on Twitter https://twitter.com/amtvmedia Like us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/amtvmedia Visit the AMTV Store! http://store.amtvmedia.com/ Start your FREE 14-Day trial!๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/ Subscribe on Demand ($4.95/month, No Ads): https://amtvmedia.vhx.tv/ Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com/ Donate now: http://www.amtvmedia.com/donate-2/ [SOCIALS] Follow @amtvmedia on Twitter https://twitter.com/amtvmedia Like us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/amtvmedia Snapchat: amtvmedia https://www.snapchat.com/add/amtvmedia TAGS: economic collapse economic collapse 2017 us dollar collapse us dollar collapse 2017 donald trump donald trump ww3 world war 3 martial law police state precious metals precious metals investing federal reserve bible prophecy


  1. America went bankrupt in 2008. The stimulus only went to banks, banks that keep America in the global game. The stimulus has run out, they, the banks, are pushing you to purchase gold so it can be confiscated when they fail. IT WILL HAPPEN, IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED BEFORE.
  2. You keep saying "global" . By that you mean American? Here in Westeren Australia, nothing happened. Barely even noticed. Only petrol got a bit more expensive. Not Global.
  3. When will this happen? By law can the president do that? Other countries have been to worst and you're saying USA will do this?
  4. Trump to Declare Bankruptcy on U.S. Well? Trump did file chapter 11, he's good at it.
  5. If there is one thing Trump is good at, it is Bankruptcies. He is the Max Bialystoke of the political world.
  6. UH the Us has already been bankrupt since 1933, in 1933 roosevelt declared bankruptcy, the congress has been the board of trustees presiding over that bankruptcy ever since, because you do know I hope that the real republic hasn't existed since the reconstruction/civil war era and at that time the republic ended, washington dc was created, and a corporation was formed that was named THE UNITED STATES to conceal the fact that the real republic had been dissolved and now a corporation would preside over the tasks of government, that's why the reconstruction was needed, because when the south seceded, the country didn't exist anymore because the contract between the states forming a union was broken, so the reconstruction was the bankers perfect time to strike, and take over, so our nation has been completely owned by an interational conglomorate ever since, hence why it's so unlike what we expect relative to the constitution, they also changed/modified the constitution example: the original ratified 13th amendment is no longer there, and they adopted that revised document as a corporate charter, so it's not set in stone and is very much just aesthetic. Since it's a corporation now everything is dealt with using corporate not common law like we have now, we individually are also corporations, well our names are corporations, that's so the corporation over us can deal with us in legal frameworks/ for legal dealings and paperwork because corporations cannot make contracts between themselves and men and women, only legal persons, and that's why there isn't common law in courts anymore, it's also how they get away with enforcing statutes which under the original constitution are unconstitutional. The country you learn about in history class, hasn't existed, or it is technically sitting idle since then, it can actually be picked up right where it left off though. The congress of The Republic for The united States of America has not convened since the early to mid 1860's I don't remember the exact date.
  7. maybe we should get right with nature, ya know our biology...
  8. Legalise weed nationwide now to keep people calm!
  9. What do you know about The Blackstone Group buying billions in real estate just after that crash? They seemed to hire a few of the top players in the game.
  10. Get right with God! Amen
  11. 6 minute commercial?
  12. u know i never really said it til now but, isn't that the Battlefield 3 instrumental at the beggining of AMTV? It sounds like it. That's so dope if u used it lol, either way it sounds very much like it. I dont know what that little track is called on Battlefield 3 but I remember it.
  13. It is bound to happen. This time sooner than people think. What is happening in Venezuela for the past 10 years will happen to America, the USA real soon within the next 12-16 months. This is unreal but it will happen and the feds will not be able to bail the corporations out. A lot of chaos. Corporations laying off people, massive layoffs. Bankruptcies, bank closures, lots of for sale signs, hyperinflation, prices of food and basic necessities skyrocketing, line ups for food and medicine, hospitals overcrowded, lots of deaths from crime, riots, criminals roaming the streets, complete anarchy for sure. You wait, it will happen. What is happening in Venezuela will surely happen almost globally. Only a world war will stop the chaos to trim the world population to a more manageable level. Socialism or any other type of political system is not the fault. Corruption is the cause of the problem. America has always been in a free market capitalist democratic system but it still has always had a big economic problem when it comes to their government budget spending and their federal policies and regulations like in 2008 when banks, corporations, investment and insurance companies, large car manufacturers, etc all went bankrupt, right?? Then the feds bailed them out, right?? You could be so upright total capitalist till you're so blue in the face but if people are so corrupt, giving favours to everyone, it's useless because your system will fail when corruption takes over. With corruption, there comes bribery, coercion, lying, cheating, stealing, falsifying records public documents, blackmailing, swindling, fraud, forgery, etc etc, everything that involves bringing down a system. Like a computer system, if your data is corrupted then your whole system is corrupted and is bound to break down sometime. It's only a matter of time until the corruption will destroy the whole system then you have massive problems.
  14. oh now you're implementating the sharia law.. I thought you said the sharia law was the boogy man
  15. amen brother
  16. everything was planned that's why Clown trump was selected trump is the scape goat they will blame trump for this mess if he were smart he should let KILLARY take the command DUMB TRUMP
  17. bush you sob your narrow sick fuck ass caused all this your skull and bones society will fall
  18. Firearms, and ammunition would be the biggest currency when a crash does happen. I'm sorry to say it, but precious metals will be useless when the shit hits the fan.
  19. Don't buy the book he wants to make money off of it it takes an idiot to buy a book when all you need to do is just buy gold and silver that's it buy Gold and silver you don't need to buy a fucking book

Additional Information:

Visibility: 93332

Duration: 5m 58s

Rating: 1264