Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) ➽ Mission #28 ✮ Hotel Assassination ✮ 100% Gold Medal Walkthrough

♥ → Watch in HD ← ♥ ☆☆☆ "Hotel Assassination" Gold Medal Objectives ➽ ● Sniper Boy - Kill the target using a Sniper Rifle Game ➽ Grand Theft Auto V Mission ➽ Hotel Assassination Type ➽ Main Story Mission Characters ➽ Franklin Given by ➽ Lester Platform ➽ PS3 Recorded with ➽ Hauppauge HD PVR •••❥ ⓈⓊⒷⓈⒸⓇⒾⒷⒺ The Channel For More HD Gaming ➽ Thanks for watching.


  1. How do you get video with PlayStation 3
  2. thanks
  3. asd
  4. You forgot chop lol
  5. Queenie your videos are top of the top
  6. You lost chop?
  7. You're very good at driving
  8. xbox version or ps3?
  9. where is chop?
  10. Keep on doing more videos! These are so good
  11. Good job queen. Love you videos
  12. Wat happened to the dog u left in the car
  13. I've never played a gta
  14. Franklins voice is very cool to me
  15. You good Ty for making vids
  16. get more tattos on franklin
  17. Fucking game is awesome keep it up
  18. Chop chop nooooooooo don't go
  19. gta v is a masterpiece
  20. I love Franklin cuz is the best character in gta V

Additional Information:

Visibility: 45667

Duration: 4m 7s

Rating: 124