Horrible Histories Tudor Currency


  1. "I would like to buy some English money, please"
    "Oh, fresh off the boat, are we?"
    "How can you tell?"
    "Oh it's a gift." XD LOL

    Anyway, he kept saying "which is equal to" to make it sound more complicated.
  2. That lot is confusing lol. Glad our currency today is much easier lol.
  3. oh man, i heard that the english also use the so called imperial measurement system... its not decimal and it uses inches, foot yards, miles... its quite weird as well! sarcasm
  4. These guys are such good actors. :)
  5. OMG! I couldn't understand a word he said!!!
  6. oh ma gard
  7. Face it, so many of us would have FAILED at trying to figure out Tudor currency.
  8. Oh my god, this would be hell for my head to remember all that junk.

    If I was an immigrant fresh off the boat, I would want to go somewhere else, LOL.
  9. I did not get anything he said and he calls it simpull WOW...
  10. I remember this currency until 1971!
  11. Hard to believe that Great Britain were the richest nation in the world in 1908 with this really
  12. So all I understand from this system is that there's too much coins, too much "nicknames" so to speak and they don't seem to add up to a specific number that would make it 1 [currency] and [something percent]; e.g. £2.3 sovereign
  13. My dad said if you lived in that century, you would understand.
    me: Or the country but we find it harder because we're from the 21st century.
  14. It's simple, mate! I don't know what the problem is here!

    It's simple, alright! Simply complicated!
  15. yes,  and we had this system more or less (no angels groats nor farthings) in my country, New Zealand, till 1967. I remember the changeover well. I was 8 years old.

    We lived with it  quite well,

    And I recently heard that the whole 12 pence to a shilling 20 shilling to a pound was invented by Charlemagne.
  16. If I'll become president I'll put this system in the United States!
  17. I grew up with LSD (no... not lysergic acid..... pounds, shillings and pence!)... quite easy once you get your head around it, and it has advantages that no 10-based system can have.... :-)
  18. Oh for fucks sake just switch to metric, start driving on the right side of the road, throw that antic of a queen down the drain of history where she belongs along with her queens feet (whatever that is these days) her mugs and cups and with pounds of pounds in her pockets so she sinks well and deep and join the rest of the world already.
  19. you lost me at six pence
  20. Wrong!! Decimalised money came to England in 1966!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 171498

Duration: 1m 58s

Rating: 600