How Are You Spending & Investing Your Time PT11 Natural Health Owner Djehuty Ma'at Ra Video

In this video series, Djehuty Ma'at-Ra speaks on how you are spending and investing your time? Do you live on social network sites such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook? Are you working towards your dreams? It's not about time, but how you invest time or your illusion. "Man made time is a foolish attempt to place limitations on eternity. Because eternity is the reality, not time. Time is an illusion." Quote by Djehuty Ma'at-ra Djehuty Ma'at Ra is the owner of several natural health stores (Dhealthstore). On this channel, you will find great videos by him--he's a man filled with wisdom, you definitely want to listen!


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 142

    Duration: 12m 10s

    Rating: 3