How does the Affordable Care Act affect you?

How does the Affordable Care Act affect you? In this rant, Dave breaks down the possible effects of President Obama's signature healthcare legislation know as "Obama Care". Find A Financial Peace class near you! Check out Chris Hogan’s book “Retire Inspired” Do you want to take control of your money? Get “The Total Money Makeover” book here. Do you need help with your taxes? Find an Endorsed Local Provider near you! Need help selling or buying a home? Click the link to find an Endorsed Local Provider in your area. Do you have questions about investing? Let one of our Endorsed Local Providers help.


  1. As a person with a pre existing condition. I have always saved money for my health care just in case something happens.
  2. In Australia we get penalties for not having private health. So everyone is covered by Medicare but every year because of my income I have to pay over $3000 at tax time because I don't have health insurance and I seriously NEVER go to the doctor... it's ridiculous. Oh and private health is that expensive that I'm no better off taking it out.
  3. The gun analogy doesn't work
  4. Except big insurance won't go broke, they just won't make as much as they want to, which is why they raise thepremiums in the first place.
  5. Obamacare was unsustainable!
  6. in Germany it's normal to pay 15% of your income for health insurance. if you got a job or not, they cover basic treatment. so, if I pay 400 per month to health insurance I get the same treatment as someone who pays 20 per month or 1000 per month. they don't care if I smoke, if I'm obese or completely healthy. in 2012 I was actually pretty lucky that my insurance company covered my surgery plus 8 weeks staying home to recover. (they pay 60% of your income after 6 weeks). but if I need new glasses they pay nothing. 🤔
  7. I completely understand your point.
    but why can't we just work out a real solution to the problem instead of point finger's and insulting each other(not in reference to Dave's comments). why can't we work together.

    ACA was a good idea with bad math I know, but what is your solution? I would love to hear what you think on solving the problems now that u outlined it's faults. I know people who where thrown out the hospital for not having insurance. should I watch them die in the streets.
  8. "Mathematically, this is whats known as... sucks" AHAHA I was dying
  9. I hate when Dave Ramsey let his redneck side show:/
  10. Some care agencies tap into your mortgage. I won't say which ones. Just be careful what you sign for.
  11. I think uncontrollable diseases like ALS should be socialized while controllable diseases like obesity shouldn't. Who agrees?
  12. just let all the sick people die or make health care system completely government funded for everyone through higher Taxes the cost of insurance is astronomically high just for the premium plus the deductibles are getting insane too
  13. Now that Trump's President, we need to make sure he repeals it!
  14. Great explanation
  15. I am figuring out why I lost my job now.
  16. Turns out Dave was right, whaaaaaaattttt
  17. mr Obama. are u listening?
  18. I am sorry but prior to Obama care I could not get health insurance unless I paid 600 dollars a month because I am a kidney transplant patient its ridiculous
  19. All this Obama Care has done is put people that were doing alright financially and completely ruin their personal finances and limit thier potential income. Hard to work when you will loose it for getting a second job. I've seen others struggle with this issue. My employer provides my coverage, so this isn'the an issue for me, but it does affect me changing careers! This has also taken excellent policies /coverages and trashed them. I am so tired of Obama Care!
  20. We must keep in mind that many who are sick can't help it. For example cerebral palsy, parkinsons, leukemia just to name a few. I want those people covered so they can fight their medical problems rather than live in fear. If that costs us all a few dollars each than so be it.

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