How I turned $100 dollars into $100,000 in less than a year trading stocks

You might want to set playback speed to 1.5-2x because I talk kinda slow. Sorry for my accent. Hey guys, I just wanted to upload this quick video to thank the people that allowed me to get where I am today in life, and also to give back and hopefully inspire others and give them hope. I was broke 2 years ago and thanks to this small artificial intelligence stock trading app (claymont) I now make ~30,000 dollars a month.


  1. pfff. Your doing that on a demo account. Nothing special
  2. I trade as well. IF you are new. I can show you a system where all you
    do is hop on a live webinar and copy an expert trader. Today he won 4
    out of 4 trades. He trades live twice daily msg me at I will call you if you put your phone # in the email.
  3. every time he says "you know" take a shot
  4. Very inspiring! I'm in a situation where I am extremely keen on starting to trade, but don't have much disposable income. I don't even know how to use any type of software! how would you suggest I start?
  5. What the link to this software?
  6. your full of shit fuck you. no software can make you rich.
  7. Just trying to learn this. Great video. Sounds like something I may be able to do after watching this. Thanks!!!
  8. Hey,
    I've been trading for just a couple weeks now and it's very difficult to daytrade under the PDT rule with Robinhood under 25k. Any suggestions on how you were able to do it?
  9. And you were really able to do all this with Claymont? I might buy but $48 for a month seems a bit steep...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6132

Duration: 8m 19s

Rating: 32