How to Buy Real Estate without Cash or Credit - Lecture I delivered to the University of Central Florida Real Estate School on How to Buy Real Estate without Cash or Credit.


  1. I'm glad I stumbled upon your video. But anyways we've been renting a house for 4 almost 5 years for 900 a month . I talked to the landlord last summer about him carying the papers he talked with his wife n they don't wana do it because they would have to pay the taxes on the income. My question is how would he have to pay the taxes with no money down and the payment I would pay him each month is the same amount I give him each month for rent? I only wanted to do it to have something show for my money for the time being till I could get financing. Thanks
  2. with all the experience you have, have you dealt with bedbugs and if so what did you do to resolve the issue?
  3. I love it,was very helpful 0-0
  4. Wisdom at its peak !
  5. You were lucky.I live in Ireland and I've never see the person who wanted buy me anything but coffe and cake.
  6. Great video thank you rescare.
  7. does he deal in new york
  8. How to find houses to make owner finance u ? That seem really hard. I'm only 17
  9. Hello Philly! Just wanted to ask you if it's worthy to paid off a loan on a rental property to save on interest or just keep saving up the money? I own a 2 unit apartment right now and I'm saving to buy the second property this year. I'm 26 years old and love this kind of investing. Hope you can answer my questions and thank you for all your advices and tips on your videos.
  10. join us we changing the world.
  11. hey Phil ..I'm a disabled Veteran, and only qualify for $50k under the VA guarantee loan..sad..I know (after 25yrs in the horse racing industry) I can make $$ boarding horses..but a catch 22..can't seem to get a higher loan to buy a farm..and can't board horses without a place of my own (I used to rent board space on other farms and it got too expensive in this area Horse capital of the world)..any suggestions?..
  12. hey guys it's aarav,i saw everyone comment and seem so successful,i find hard to do business I don't know what to do to get success,its possible if someone help me and get me in right direction,,,
  13. This is mind blowing information. Every topic you mentioned gave me hope that I can pay off my mortgage and get out of debt in a shorter period of time. I have been trying so hard to keep my debts current to at least maintain a good credit score. However, it is affecting the quality of my lifestyle. I am so blessed that I accidentally found you on You Tube. I would like to learn more so I can be on my way to better my financial situation, be debt free eventually, and sleep better every night. Thank you for this free training and for giving the opportunity to help. VIP Financial Education.... you are God sent to me!

  14. Why is the state of Washington a bad state to buy and sell real estate?
  15. watched EVERYTHING love it 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
  16. any insight of California Real Estate ?
  17. This video answered a bunch of questions for me. Great info.
  18. I just saw a home listing for sale. at the end of the ad it says *Background check will be made to buyer. Well i got in trouble last year and Im still fighting it in court now. since its still not over ..but will be soon - Its looking to be in my favor.. my question is, could i still try to pursue this flip even though of my background? Because I wont be the buyer, ill be searching for one like you said. Its 2:40am right now and Im going to check out property tomorrow on my own If owner responds to my call.
  19. Real estate in the state of Massachusetts is crazy pricey. What are my options living in one of the surrounding cities of Boston? Is it still a good time to buy a home in our current market? I don't have a down payment as well, but I've been watching all your videos and will continue to do so. Thanks for your time!
  20. thank you

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Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 11629