How to invest in CS:GO? It doesn't get any better than this! (Guide)

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  1. I just came on the monitor because of the quality of the video XD
  2. my guide is better : do not invest in gun textures
  3. Which type of keys should i invest in ?
    Chroma Case 2 ?
  4. Do you buy and sell it in the market?
  5. wtf look at the dead body in 1:43
  6. Give me your aim man
  7. are you wallhacking
  8. so what should i invest on that could give me profit i have like 50$ to spend... whats the best investment i can get ?
  9. CONGRATS ON 50K!!!
  10. yellow, what are your thoughts on skins like the Point Disaray? I've a FN one and it's been fluctuating between £18-£21..likely to sky rocket anytime soon?
  11. So if i would buy an ak47 fuel injector min. wear. how long would i have to wait? (op wildfire)
  12. winter offensive cases are rising pretty fast and i just got one from a drop
  13. Currently the best item to invest on is the Winter Offensive Weapon Case because it is only going for $1 and it is an old case. I did a lot of research and i think that it will rise in price in the next month by at least 25%
  14. The breakout cases are now way higher. They were £0.05 a while back and now £0.70. If you bought 100 of them @ 5p, you'd make £65 profit whilst spending £5.
  15. Knight is $326.1 now, wooha.
  16. Your name confuses my so hard ingame!
  17. It's funny, your story about your Knight M4 is like my AUG Hot Rod. Got it for about $2 USD a couple years ago, now it's worth about $40 USD. Same reason as the Knight, people traded the fuck out of these to get the Glock Fade, and as a result there are a lot less of these nowadays. I've only seen one other person in Matchmaking that's had one as a result.
  18. i got an operation bravo case to drop once. It was awesome.
  19. Investment is for peasants... its all about gambling
  20. i dont agree though, if we wait for long more people will get the rare skins and the price will go down... :/

Additional Information:

Visibility: 110848

Duration: 6m 28s

Rating: 868