How to Invest & Trade Stocks for Beginners - Strategies & Basics Tutorial 3

This beginner's guide to online stock trading will walk you through the process of choosing a discount broker, the twelve types of stock trades you can make, how to select individual stocks, uncovering hidden fees, expenses, and commissions, and much more. Think of it as your ultimate reference guide to stock trading and the next step in your education after you've read The Complete Beginner's Guide to Investing in Stock. Digital stock market listings - Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images Choosing a Stock Broker for Your Online Stock Trading If you haven't already opened a brokerage account with a respected stock broker, there's no point in reading any further. Instead, you should take a moment to go through our guide to choosing a stock broker. It will help you open an account so you can begin trading stocks. Once you've done that, you can come back here and continue with the Stock Trading Guide. Find out how to open a brokerage account with a stock broker ... More » Choosing a Stock Broker for Your Online Stock Trading The 12 Types of Trades You Can Place with a Stock Broker There are twelve types of trades available when you start online stock trading. These include the market trade, limit trade, stop loss, day orders, good-till-canceled trades, trailing stops, bracket trades, and more. In a few minutes, you can walk through this step-by-step guide to stock trading and find a definition and example for each of these terms that you may have heard but were always too afraid or embarrassed to ask what they meant. Learn the twelve types of trades that are available to you when investing in stocks ... More » Stock Trading Frictional Expenses How to Avoid Frictional Expenses That Can Destroy Your Stock Trading Profits The biggest enemy of successful stock trading is something Warren Buffett calls frictional expenses. They represent money you are shredding without any benefit to you. What are frictional expenses? How can you avoid them? Discover the answer so you can become a better stock trader ... More » Margin Debt Stock Trading How to Trade Stock on Margin with Borrowed Money If your stock trading brokerage account is for speculation and you want to roll the dice, you can actually borrow money from your brokerage firm. Known as trading on margin, using borrowed money, you can often leverage your positions up to 3-1 in certain situations. This approach to trading stocks has some big potential pitfalls against which you need to guard your money. Find out how to borrow money on margin to trade stocks ... More » AIG Shorting Stock Stock Trading How to Short Stock Once you have been approved for margin stock trading, you are also eligible to short stock. Although they are often criticized in the press, almost every successful stock trader has shorted stock at one time or another. When you short stock, you make money when the company's shares fall (or, better yet, crash). The problem is you may expose yourself to unlimited liability. Find out how you can begin shorting stock in your brokerage account ... More » Zurich Stock Exchange Trading Stocks Using ADRs to Trade Foreign Stocks in the United States If you are interested in stock trading and want to buy or sell shares of foreign companies, it may be possible right here at home if the corporation has ADRs, or American Depository Receipts. It's fairly simple to find out if a business has them and how they are different from regular stock. Learn how to trade ADRs ... More » Market Maker Trading Stocks The Role of Market Makers in Stock Trading Without market makers, stock trading wouldn't even be possible. Every time you buy or sell stock, the odds are good that your order is going through a market maker on one of the stock exchanges or through a major investment bank. Learn the important role these specialists play in ensuring an orderly market ... More » Investment Bank Stock Trading Floor Stock Trading and the Investment Bank Now that you've learned about market markers and the role they play in stock trading, it's time to go one step further and introduce you to the investment bank. If you are extremely wealthy, you may trade directly with an investment bank. Otherwise, your stock broker trades on your behalf through an investment bank, whether you realize it or not. Understand how investment banks make trading stocks possible ... More » Wash Sale Rule - Stock Trading Violation Avoid the Dreaded Wash Sale Rule on Your Stock Trading Activities! If you trade stock regularly, you may find yourself accidentally violating the dreaded wash sale rule, costing you huge tax penalties. With a little planning, you can avoid this fate and still enjoy trading stocks aggressively. Find out how to avoid triggering the wash sale rule ... More » Capital Gains Taxes on Stocks How The Length of Time You Trade Stocks Can Change Your Tax Bill


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