How to make loads of Money Investing during a Recession!

This video covers how to make loads of money investing in the stock market during a recession. A recession is a terrible thing to waste and today we discuss the 5 ways to make so much money during a recession. Investing in the stock market during a recession can be very smart, however scary. Financial Education Twitter Page My favorite book on Investing My second Favorite book on Investing My favorite book on business My favorite Personal Finance My favorite movie about the stock market My second favorite movie about the stock market My favorite movie about business Awesome Camera I use Professional Microphone I use Nice affordable Tripod I use Bright lighting set I use Laptop I use to Edit Camera I use for professional business photography Drone I use for my Business


  1. What are short term put options?
  2. What do you use to invest? Or what would you recommend for a beginner?
  3. where is your video on "cash flow ?
  4. During a recession, buy the companies that continue to raise their dividends 😎👍
  5. Jeremy shhh!!! DONT give out my strategy... JK its good to help others
  6. Ty
  7. You have to treat market downtime / recession like this:

    When it's raining gold, grab a bucket, not a tea cup.

    During the 2008-9 crisis I pretty much dumpster trucked my money out of everything and bought a crap load of bank stocks at a 60% discount (WFC and GM to name two). It was the investment decission that ultimately made me financially independent in my early 30s.
  8. Great channel, this is a good video and something I keep in mind regarding potential future economic shifts. Ensure to keep a hedge when times get uncertain. At least this way you will save yourself the emotional pain if you keep your stocks overnight in-case of an after-market event.
  9. What online site you use to buy stocks i like the dashbord of your screenshots ? Thanks
  10. Awesome video! Could you do NIKE VS UNDER ARMOR Thanks!!
  11. Will you make a video where you explain about short term put options?
  12. FORD was $1 😱😱😱 Oh gosh, but it looked like a bad investment back then from how you explain it. I wish I was into investing back in 2008. Buy low sell high BABY! Do you think a recession my be on its way soon or do you not really care because GOPRO is balance sheet strong lol
  13. So is selling most of your positions on your portfolio during a recession the best idea and start buying throughout the decline? I've never done put or call options so I'll have to look into those before something happens! Great video Jeremy, this is my favorite youtube channel by FAR!
  14. What is your take on buying ETF's that short during recessions? Especially, those that are short index funds (ex. Proshares Short S&P 500 or Proshares Short Dow 30)?
  15. Could you do a review on WWE stock please ?
  16. how would you analyze the balance sheet of a start up with debt due to loans?
  17. Great video. Would you use this same logic when the stock market has a down day as well? Buy on a down day?
  18. is swhc stock a good stock to buy ?
  19. What would you think of buying Ford when it was down in that $1 range?

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Visibility: 3724

Duration: 13m 44s

Rating: 117