iFOREX Education - Online Share Trading

To learn more about share trading, go to http://bit.ly/1oQ3ZQP Capital is at risk Online trading allows you to invest in shares CFDs and potentially profit from price changes of world leading brands. Trading shares in the form of CFDs allows you to BUY shares if you think prices will rise, or also SELL shares if you think prices will drop, giving you the opportunity to gain from any market direction. The power to invest with leverage is yet another major advantage: Jim for example, wants to invest $500 in Apple shares just before the next company announcement. While a regular investment will only allow him to open a deal of 4 Apple shares, leveraged trading will create a buying power of $10,000 on the same investment and allow him to open a deal of 88 Apple shares. If Apple share prices go up 4%, a leveraged deal could return a profit of $400 instead of just $20 profit on a regular deal.


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    Visibility: 1239

    Duration: 1m 21s
