Invest in Silver Now! says Robert Kiyosaki - Learn How To Earn Silver Eagles Why an $1800 Investment in Silver Today Will Likely Be Worth $100,000 Within The Next 15 Months. As the value of the dollar declines, the price of silver and gold increases reflecting the loss of purchasing power and trust in the dollar. This is why gold that sold for $250 per ounce in 2002 now sells for over $1100 per ounce today. The value of gold has not increased. Rather, its price in dollars reflects the decreased purchasing power of those dollars. Now here's how to take advantage of the dollar collapse to get out of debt, pay off your mortgage and more. At the time of this writing (12-18-09) the spot price of silver is $17.31 per ounce. I know this may be hard to believe for many, but when the dollar is devalued and a national banking holiday is called to realign banks with the newly devalued dollar, silver will soar. No, let me restate that, the cost of silver will shoot up and skyrocket to unbelievably high dollar amounts. Visit to see how you can start getting your own silver eagle coins from silver snowball below spot price!


  1. Would you invest in gold ?
  2. your research too but keep in mind a lot of research on the internet is BS good informations here
  3. Its still $15, 6 years later
  4. Its gone down, now is the time to buy while you still can.
  5. Ha! Its Kiyo again! You're seminars suck and your books are rank! 3 years from now this clown will peddling something Time to point the finger and shame this guy out of metals
  6. stack have nothing to'll just make out like a bandit. Either way, silver went from $15 to $48 for those wanting a quick buck. One day, these loose hands will get burnt when silver goes and it doesn't look back...and it will. Easy to see...people are already losing trust in the dollar.
  7. its 2013 now and nothing is happening with silver...
  8. When they print our money into oblivion, everyone will try to get out. But people with sound money won't want paper, they want objects/cars/houses/planes/etc
  9. its 2012 and silver is 36$ an ounce the man was fucking right wake the fuck up
  10. CHECK OUT THIS SITE ALSO preciousmetalconverter sell your goLd
  11. Will property prices drop when the us goes into recession, when the dollar is worthless? If so i might be able to a few properties with my 1ooo ounces of silver!
  12. Price of silver is dropping today...that's mean to buy more! Anyone heard of SilverSnowballHQ. com?
  13. i am holding all metals till obama stops printing!
  14. @tonybonez Quick, get out of it (:
  15. @tonybonez Still think he's wrong? It's not rocket science, if the Fed pulls money out of the economy the purchasing power of a dollar goes up, so you can buy more silver with it, but they aren't pulling money out, they're giving it to the buddy's in the trillions. It's not over, China is buying silver, they see the dollar on the ropes, and when the world stops buying our debt, we will have to print it too.
  16. Help me out here... if and when gold & silver take this "Leap of unheard of value.. what then do you do with it..? sell it back for what..? dollars & euros etc. that now have no value..?? pay my rent with it..? why would I do that if the rental dollar is no longer a trading tool... ? I am really lost as to what and how to use my little stash of these metals as far as living my life.. Does my question make any sense or am i as much of a moron as I think I am..
  17. @Motoicon what has silver done in 2010????
  18. Interview from 2008 $15 an ounce on silver currently $17.39, so it is creeping up some have predicted $28 by the end of 2010; regardless it seems a damn site better than 0.5% in a bank with inflation above that it kinda still makes this look an attractive option for wealth preservation.
  19. @tonybonez well at least give it until the end of the year before you pass judgement

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