Investing 401k Funds Into A Brokerage Account

This is how you invest your 401k funds into a brokerage account. To download the free 401(k) Rollover 10-Point Checklist go to There are just a couple of steps to invest your 401k funds by rolling them into an IRA with a broker. 1. First choose a broker. You can find them online, or you can use an advisor that you know and trust. 2. Open an account with that broker. 3. Transfer your 401k funds to the new account. Do the direct transfer. DO NOT do the indirect transfer. 4. Invest your funds. When you begin investing your funds, make sure you have a plan. Don't let emotions cause you to make bad investing decisions. Market risk investments (like stocks, bonds, ETF's, mutual funds) can fluctuate in value. If you have a plan it will help you to not make emotional decisions that could hurt your portfolio. Things that can hurt your portfolio would be buying high and then selling low. To download the free 401(k) Rollover 10-Point Checklist go to And be sure to check out more videos / articles and retirement information at


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