Investing 401k Rollover Funds: Know Your Goals

When investing 401k rollover funds, it is important that you know your goals. To download the free 401(k) Rollover 10-Point Checklist go to What do I mean by "Know your goals?" I mean that you must understand what you are trying to accomplish in retirement. The most important thing will be to make sure you have enough income to live on. Other goals may include leaving a legacy/inheritance for your children. There are many more goals that could be included. But once you know your goals you can put a plan together that will help you meet those goals. You don't want your plan to make it more difficult to achieve your retirement goals. For instance, if you only need a 1% per year growth rate on your portfolio to make it last throughout retirement and give you adequate income... would you really want to invest is something risky with a high potential for loss? Of course not! It would not be necessary to meet your. And in fact it could make you not achieve your goal. So as soon as you know the goal of what level of income you need from your portfolio, you can then back into a plan. You then purchase the financial products that will help you meet your goals. To download the free 401(k) Rollover 10-Point Checklist go to And be sure to check out more videos / articles and retirement information at


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