Investment & Retirement Income Planning for Canadians Part 1

Canadian investors want to know fact from fiction when it comes to retirement income investing. This mini-course will teach you everything you need to know to invest the right way. Dave Wiitala of is the educator. There are 6 main section of the course: Part 1- For Canadians to understand investing we must understand the Bay Street financial system, how it works, and why it is so detrimental to our financial health. There are three components of this system: the media, financial salespeople, and financial product companies. They all work together to form what we can term the financial system. The system has only one purpose, and that is to extract as many dollars from Canadian investors as possible. Any Canadian investor counting on retirement income needs to know this and acct accordingly. Part 2- There are 4 myths perpetuated by the financial system that costs Canadian investors a lot of money. Myths 1 and 2 will be explored here. The first myth we dispel is that buying investment books, watching television programs, and buying the financial products they sell you is helping you at all. Also explained is the fact that long-term investing, in mutual funds and the stock market, is a complete fallacy. Part 3- Goes into evidence as to why the vast majority of mutual funds are not worth investing in, and let's the investor in on some of the exorbitant fees paid on various financial products. Part 4- The second half of this series provides answers as to who the world's most successful investors are, what they invest in, and how they think. Part 5- How to allocate your assets as to construct the most efficient portfolio, taking the lowest amount of risk and delivering the highest return, allowing you to compound retirement income safely. Part 6- The finale where everything is brought together. An investment strategy that many wealthy investors buy which is superior to mutual funds. And the 8 crucial questions you MUST answer about your retirement portfolio.


  1. Would love to hear from our viewers. Have you experienced success using traditional financial service firms, such as mutual funds, insurance products, brokers, etc? Or does it seem like others are getting wealthy at your expense? Thanks for watching!


Additional Information:

Visibility: 5688

Duration: 12m 55s

Rating: 8