John Bogle Says: Don't Trade ETFs!

Ron DeLegge, Editor @ talks with John Bogle, investing legend and founder of the Vanguard Group about the emergence of exchange-traded funds or ETFs as investment tools. Bogle's latest book is titled "The Clash of Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation."


  1. which vanguard etf tracks thè s&p 500 he mentioned?
  2. this guy is retardedly lucid despite his age
  3. Even after the longest recovery in history, the ten year trailing investment return on the S&P 500 is 6.82% annualized. Sorry, but you can do far better than that in any number of great sector funds. Buying the S&P 500 is like betting on every horse in a race.
  4. There is a general misunderstanding in the comments on the what Bogle means by buy and hold. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding generates confusion about the title of this piece. Buy and Hold is the strategy of purchasing a security and then holding it for the long term -- perhaps over 40 years.

    Do not! he says, sell it when the market turns sour.

    As the founder of the first general index mutual fund, he has always been an advocate for index investing. His view remains the same. Do invest in an index fund. However, do not SELL it when the market turns south. In the long term, one is better off remaining in the market. And, yes, investors are generally bad market timers.

    While the title does suggest 'Don't trade ETFs', it does affirm his core belief - buy an index product but don't sell it. Rather hold it for the long term.
  5. Great job--very pro!
  6. Yes it's time not timing. Pay yourself first
  7. Thank you, sounds like good advice
  8. great short interview. also good job treating mr bogle with the respect hes due
  9. Most investments work best long term. Buy and hold with dividends reinvested.Lots of people made lots of money this way :)
  10. so an etf is good but just as long as you hold long term. it seems like etf is not good for ppl who give into temptation or are inpatient?
  11. The only way to make any money in USO is to trade it, when oil goes up a dollar, USO goes up 20 cents, when oil drops a dollar, it drops more than 20 cents, in jan 2016, oil was $34 and USO was $9.80, end of march oil is 38.20 and USO is 9.70.
  12. Mr . Bogle's advice is sound.....moreover, he really cares about the little guy.
    And, he has offered a simple strategy that anyone can and hold broad indexes, and even then only a few.
  13. NO body can beat the market .Timing the market and picking individual stocks is a losers game as markets now are very efficient as all information is discounted in the stock price due to internet and globalization .Best is to go for market average and buy and hold all the stocks by buying a global stock market low cost classic cap weighted INDEX FUND for the long term .INDEXING is the only winners game.
  14. Listen when the Elite speaks people. Buy the broader markets
  15. ...would that be same ADVICE...for ...CED..(Closed-End-Funds)...!?..
  16. Misleading title! He recommends to buy and hold them.
  17. thank you John.will take your advice.
  18. Don't trade them? lol. Anything can be traded. Its a matter of commission costs, volatility and liquidity. A bad trader is going to lose money in every market.
  19. simplicity wins

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