Learn About Investing #1: What IS Investing?

What IS investing? The first video in a series for people who want to learn about investing, starting from the absolute basics! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS: http://www.youtube.com/user/preet182?sub_confirmation=1 MY BOOK TO LEARN ABOUT THE BASICS OF PERSONAL FINANCE: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0143183516/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=0143183516&linkCode=as2&tag=whercom-20 FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER http://twitter.com/preetbanerjee WEBSITE: http://www.preetbanerjee.com


  1. subscribed to this channel long time ago, and never regretted since
  2. hahahaha "investing"
  3. Thanks for doing this.
  4. Great job Preet
  5. i believe mutual fund is one of the safest when investing? here in philippines we have one which is tax free... too bad not everyone appreciates it yet.
  6. tz for sharing knowledges.
  7. Will you be going through on how students in university can invest ? I am a uni student myself and would be really interested in knowing ways I can invest while keeping up with my studies !
  8. this video was really interesting. I'd love to see more.
  9. looking foward to the series
  10. hi PLEASE please make a video talking about the power of compounding interest, I've recently been intrigued in the idea that putting $4000 a year into a 10% index fund with compounding interest monthly. This would eventually turn into 2.7 million in 20 years. I want to know how feasible this is and how to find an index fund at 10% THANK YOU
  11. You look like Kal Penn.
  12. I want to milk those tits of yours.
  13. Thanks for this sir
  14. This deserves more views and subscribers. " I like" (Borat Accent)
  15. You should've invested in some proper green screen keying brah
  16. Thx for this series. It's really interesting for me. Keep on!:)
  17. Wow! Please keep these videos coming!!! Soooooo helpful!!!
  18. I subscribed last week hoping you'd do videos on investing! So happy you are! :D
  19. Looking forward to this series - I work in marketing for a financial services company, and no one bothers to teach the designers, developers or marketing staff what any of this "investing" jargon means in layman terms ... this is very good educational material that I can convince the coders to watch while they're working! :D
  20. Mini me for the win

Additional Information:

Visibility: 11495

Duration: 4m 23s

Rating: 690