Learn About Investing #6: Stocks vs Bonds

Stocks versus Bonds. In this video, we are going to introduce the concept of stocks and bonds, and how you should think about them in general. Stocks vs Bonds. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS: http://www.youtube.com/user/preet182?sub_confirmation=1 SUPPORT MONEY SCHOOL ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/moneyschool MY BOOK TO LEARN ABOUT THE BASICS OF PERSONAL FINANCE: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0143183516/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=15121&creative=330641&creativeASIN=0143183516&linkCode=as2&tag=whercom-20 FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER http://twitter.com/preetbanerjee WEBSITE: http://www.preetbanerjee.com


  1. Simple. Informative. Brilliant.
  2. Please post the rest please I beg you please please
  3. This is extremely basic in regards to the complex nature of investing, but it does its job for beginners
  4. Great video, Preet. I am interested in investing in Funds, are you planning on covering this in this series? Do you know any articles or references that explain how to measure the risks for Funds? Thanks man <3!
  5. Please post the other video pleaseeee
  6. Dude when your next video?!!!! 😲
  7. Really enjoying these videos, hope you come out with more soon!
  8. forever grateful didnt know nothing now am quite informed.thank you
  9. When's the next video???
  10. I now know why we have to like videos.
  11. Thank you so much! You are one of my favorite YouTubers. Hopefully when I graduate and start making some money with the helpful tips from your videos I can donate to your patreon :)
  12. simple way of introducing investment to few people who don't know much. can't wait to see the next video.hope more videos to be post.🎦💲💵💰
  13. "I like! Very Nice", can't wait for the next episode.
  14. could you do a video about currency manipulation, like devaluation of currency to boost exports etc.
  15. You are amazing. Please keep it up. Cheers! :)
  16. great video
  17. Excellent! I thoroughly enjoy all your videos and thanks to them I feel informed to start investing after graduating :-)
  18. Excellent video! simple and clean overviews on these two concepts. Specially for non-finance people!
  19. I wish I can learn these when I was in college so I won't spend a lot of money on clothing and unnecessary stuff. Anyway, top quality lecture and I am looking forward to learn more!
  20. Amazing. super informative.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 40767

Duration: 12m 38s

Rating: 1476