Learn Cantonese Vocabulary: Economics and Finance

In this lesson you will learn the Cantonese vocabulary related to economics and finance. The Cantonese pronunciation and the meaning of the Chinese characters and words often used in economics and finance are presented. Economics and Finance 財經 choi6 ging1,經濟金融 ging1 jai3 gam1 yung6 economy 經濟 ging1 jai3 economic 經濟 ging1 jai3 economics 經濟學 ging1 jai3 hok5 finance n 財務金融 choi6 mo5 gam1 yung6 finance v 融資、集資 yung6 ji1, jaap5 ji1 financial market 金融市場 gam1 yung6 si4 cheung6 bank 銀行 ngan6 hong6 bank draft 匯票 wui5 piu3 check 支票 ji1 piu3 notes 銀紙 ngan6 ji2 coins 散子 saan2 ji2 loan 貸款 tai3 foon2 mortgage 抵押貸款 dai2 ngaak3 tai3 foon2 lend,borrow 借 je3 stocks 股票 goo2 piu3 stock market 股市 goo2 si4 futures 期貨 kei6 foh3 futures market 期貨市場 kei6 foh3 si4 cheung6 bonds 債券 jaai3 guen3 securities 證券 jing3 guen3 capital 資本 ji1 boon2 commodity 貨物 foh3 mat5 inventory 存貨 chuen6 foh3 commodity futures 期貨 kei6 foh3 money 錢,貨幣 chin2, foh3 bai5 currency 貨幣,流通貨幣 foh3 bai5, lau6 tung1 foh3 bai5 foreign currency 外幣 oi5 bai5 index 指數 ji2 so3 Index futures 期指 kei6 ji2 foreign exchange 外幣交易,外幣買賣 oi5 bai5 gau1 yik5, oi5 bai5 maai4 maai5 rate 率 lut2 interest 利息 lei5 sik1 interest rate 利率 lei5 lut2 dividend 股息 goo2 sik1 real estate 地產 dei5 chaan2 broker 經紀 ging1 gei2 rent 租金 jo1 gam1 capital gain 資本收益 ji1 boon2 sau1 yik1 revenue 收入 sau1 yap5 inflation 通貨澎脹 tung1 foh3 paang6 jeung3 inflation rate 通脹率 tung1 jeung3 lut5 stock 存貨,股票 chuen6 foh3, goo2 piu3 stock market 股票市場,股市 goo2 piu3 si4 cheung6, goo2 si4 invest,investment 投資 tau6 ji1 buy 買 maai4 sell 賣 maai5 trade 買賣,交易 maai4 maai4 gaau1 yik5 business 生意 saang1 yi3 do business 做生意 jo5 saang1 yi3 supply 供應 gung1 ying3 demand 需求 sui1 kau6 profit n 盈利,利潤 jing6 lei5, lei5 yun5 profit v 賺 jang5 賺錢 jang5 chin2 Inland Revenue 稅務局 sui3 mo5 guk2 profit tax 利得稅 lei5 dak1 sui3 income tax 入息稅 yap5 sik1 sui3 store, shop 舖頭 po3 tau6 loss 虧損,損失,蝕本 kwai1 suen2, suen2 sat1, sit5 boon2 lose 蝕 sit5


  1. How to say in cantonese suggestion
  2. Hello, i notice cantonese have 6 main tones but the 4th tone you saying is a low rising tone but other cantonese speakers say tone 5 is the low rising tone. This is very confusing if try to learn cantonese. Can you explain why this happen please? Thank you.
  3. Hey are you located in Hong Kong? Do you do tutoring?
  4. Can you do a segment about acting and emotions?
  5. Who do you say Lay (for "you") instead of Nay ????
  6. Thank you for teaching Cantonese. Most Cantonese lessons is for beginners and very few lessons for intermediate or advanced. But you are the best for intermediate.
    I have one questions: Why do you pronounce "L" for N words. Example: Computer is "Din No", but you say "Din Lo". You do that with other N words as well. Why??
  7. Thank you for teaching Cantonese. Most Cantonese lessons is for beginners and very few lessons for intermediate or advanced. But you are the best for intermediate.
    I have one questions: Why do you pronounce "L" for N words. Example: Computer is "Din No", but you say "Din Lo". You do that with other N words as well. Why???
  8. I like the topics of the videos, but going through all the tones per word is way overdone. I think it's great to do that in your first videos, but after a while it's too much :)
  9. Thank you so much for this video! Now, I'll ready to go to a bank in Hong Kong to exchange my US dollars into Hong Kong dollars for vacation next year!
  10. thanks for your vocabulary lessons with pronunciation...very thorough
  11. Is there any way you can focus on more conversational stuff? You are the best Cantonese channel on Youtube by far but sometimes your lessons are very advanced, not the type of stuff the average Westerner would talk to the Chinese parents in law about!
  12. Thank you so much for this helpful video!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3188

Duration: 18m 45s

Rating: 43