Mark Cuban's Advice to High Schoolers and College Grads

Mark Cuban gave some advice to High Schoolers and College Graduates while at South by Southwest (SXSW). He voiced his concens over the student loan bubble, the high cost of college, and colleges spending too much on administration and constructing new buildings.


  1. Mark doesn't get nearly enough credit for being smart. People tend to look at the NBA team and the TV show, and figure that he's just another eccentric billionaire, but what a lot of people don't take into account is the fact that you can't exactly be an idiot and attain that level of success.
  2. He's spot on. I couldn't sign up for some accounting classes that were required for my degree because the accounting department was understaffed. Meanwhile, my university was building a new student center, a new parking ramp, and a new science building. So instead of hiring more professors so everyone could get the classes they needed, they basically just said "fuck the students." Since I had to wait to sign up for those classes, I will have no choice but to stay in college for at least an extra semester/year, which means more tuition money for the school. It's just a scam! Universities aren't out to educate, they're out to make money it's pathetic.
  3. As brash as Mark can be at times, he's one insightful motherfucker
  4. 1:12 ?
  5. Interesting insight, never thought of that... that reminds me materialism whereby some people prefer branded goods to non-branded goods because branded goods seem to be more attractive. However, non-branded goods are cheaper and ultimately, both branded and non-branded goods have the same functionality. Likewise, getting a prestigious degree might seem more attractive to the employer's eyes, however, both prestigious and non-prestigious degrees teaches the same background knowledge needed for the relevant job. The difference is that although a prestigious degree seems to be more attractive, the person might be way more in debt having a degree like that, as compared to a non-prestigious degree. And besides, it's the gpa which matters the most because that reflects on how hardworking the person is, not the university brand.
  6. you dont have to pay for harvard or borrow money if your parents make under 80k, I heard
  7. Best Lecture and Better than a Professor of expensive University..
  8. Im in my 2nd year in college. same shit as high school, but more expansive and boring.
  9. I laugh at all the people going to private schools who are gonna take out up to 200k. I just committed to the best public school in New York, I'll e going to school, a GREAT school, for about a third of the price of what some people pay. And for what? A "prettier" campus? Oh, maybe u thought the people were more to your liking? I mean come on. It's a fucking school, don't waste over a hundred k on this shit when u have cheaper and sometimes even better options. Yea, if you're rich, go ahead idrc what u do. But to anyone taking out a loan, you're fucking up.
  10. Take it front a college undergrad about to graduate: biggest regret is not going to community college for two years and saving my fucking money
  11. The in state price for Illinois schools is the same price as most out of state prices in other states
  12. Guy looks like asian cuban and me cuban sandwich here
  13. I went a community college for my first two years. I have some debt (student loans) but not anymore than 10k. I definitely point out to people I know to start at a junior college. It's not bad and way less.
  14. this is seriously amazing advice
  15. "40,000 is a lot of money" -billionaire
  16. Harvard has very generous financial aid packages. A middle class student can expect to pay less than $10,000 per year to go to Harvard, less than in-state tuition in many cases.
  17. firewall guys listen to mark. do community college for 2 years and transfer and get financial aid.
  18. For that reason, I'm out
  19. This man is a true inspiration. His delivery was so relatable right now, especially since his old beer pong days are my current. But, as you all know, it's hard to give up something when you're good at it.
    It also goes to show that a good education isn't the only thing that allows you to become successful. It's the constant want for change, new opportunities, and expanding one owns knowledge in different areas and aspects of life. The great about life being that you get to decide what those all get to be.
  20. College is nothing but a certificate. Colleges don't have access to a holy vault of knowledge, it's all on google and youtube. And what none of these have is actual experience from the outside world

Additional Information:

Visibility: 387742

Duration: 5m 2s

Rating: 5068