OptionsHouse Covered Call Demonstration by TradeComparison.com

TradeComparison.com demonstration of the full process of using the OptionsHouse brokerage firm to trade a buy-write which is the purchase of stock at the same time as selling a covered call option.


  1. Sell a covered call can only happen when i buy 100 stocks time. Another is that i can not set any price for the covered call i sell at optionshouse.
    Is there way at optionshouse that after i hold 100 stock for like 1 month and then i sell 1 call with the stock i hold with certain price?
  2. Optionhouse could made you 30k to 200k USD a year!!! Even millionaire!!!! hehe
  3. yeah man if you guys want large cash gain from stocks and shares then you really should signup here SELL36.COM بلقيسُ : أسألكِ السماحَ ، فربَّما كانَتْ حياتُكِ فِدْيَةً لحياتي .. إنّي لأعرفُ جَيّداً .
  4. Their Galaxy App is amazing....

Additional Information:

Visibility: 9920

Duration: 9m 5s

Rating: 18