Paper Currencies Of the World

Some collection of paper currecies from parts of the world a lot of this paper monies are worthless nowadays,but i still enjoy collecting them as their once a piece of history. i have a few one dollar bills that is back up by silver,so those are nice....


  1. nice vid - can you please list the music. its very nice but can't recognize - thanks in advance
  2. Oh and I love your collection
  3. Do you have any jamiacan Mexican or Canadian
  4. Hi Alyana2218 I did not know you also collect paper money. I have to show you my collection (mostly Polish banknotes).
  5. paper is more elegant than metal in my opinion.
  6. Cool man!
  7. Nice assortment of paper money from around the world, however, what is the oldest note in this cadre of paper notes?
  8. Do you have Okapi money from Congo?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4305

Duration: 6m 47s

Rating: 10