Peter Webb - Bet Angel live stream - Talking trading strategy, software, Betfair and everything!

Bet Angel costs as little at £6 a month - Try Bet Angel for free - Why not compare which Bet Angel is best for you? - . We did the first live stream Q&A today and I'd like to thank you for all the questions that were asked. There were so many it would have taken till midnight to try and answer but I will see if we can do that one way or another. Peter Webb's Betfair trading live stream Look forward to speaking to you on the next live stream. In the meantime here is me talking about trading strategies, Betfair, software and all that stuff.


  1. I'm so shite at this
  2. excellent tennis trading strategy lay the winner of first set at start of second and then trade away. Or back the winner of the first set at start of second, either way you will win 90% of time!
  3. hi peter

    if you know a horse is going to ne backed in like say a horse from the mullins stable would you take the early price, then wait for the odds to tumble just vefore the off to lay?
  4. I'm a new subscriber, big fan, hoping for another live stream soon.
  5. Hi Peter I'm a newbie to trading and just trying out Bet Angel professional v trader ........loved this video that I cot on Youtube. How do I subscribe to the next one ?
    Could you also describe some strategies when you are in a market and you discover that you have you have laid or backed with wrong odds, how to rectify the situation meanwhile you are in the market . Maybe also for new comes try to explain the ladder with examples like a live market buying and selling goods
  6. Why is the camera reversed to normal? Bizarre
  7. I watched your live stream on saturday, thanks for the excellent advice.
  8. Excellent stuff as always.  For the next event - do you think it would be worth sending out a notification email to those registered on the Bet Angel Forum and/or registered licence owners?
  9. Great video Peter,sorry i missed live event,will not miss next one,just looking at order flow trying to understand,seems simple enough,looking forward to charting videos especially understanding the difficult bits in a chart as its easy up and down part(or am i making to difficult for myself),but i have questions to ask,so till next time
  10. Great stream Peter, very informative and insightful. Hopefully there'll be another one soon. You're a real help to us newbies!
  11. hi pete i attended your masterclass last september and really enjoyed it,was doing really well and then did the dreaded and let i go inplay, had my confidence dented and give it a break whilst i am match betting to build bank back up, was wondering if you could do a live stream whilst trading for bet angel users or even a one to one for a fee, would be a grate help if you could but understand if its not possible, cheers love the vids mate
  12. Thanks for the video. Lots of good info to digest, hope you do another one.
  13. love the livestream. can we see you trade on the next stream?
  14. Nice start, into the streaming market. I am sure u have considered it as a training tool, for remote users. Perhaps u could also think about, both a paid chat-room, with streaming etc, and establishing a stable of traders, much like Poker training sites, which have various pros, providing content. Having dedicated traders, for multiple sports, might be v lucrative.
    Looking forward to more -- especially if Dallas pops in, and explains automation.
  15. great video peter.
  16. Peter how long did it took you to become constantly profitable when you started?
  17. Peter have you room for one more child? I'm up for adoption.
  18. Hi Peter, have you think about to put here a long video with 15 or so markets, with you trading?
    I think will be very useful for newbies like me and others because we can see how you treat different situation. Thank you
  19. nice to see you steaming content.
  20. Thank you for answering my questions - Great idea for a video

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6240

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 136