Pi (1998) -- Number Theory vs. Numerology

The psycho-science thriller Pi, directed by Darren Aronofsky, has a fantastic scene where mathematician Maximillian Cohen (Sean Gullette) insists to his mentor Sol Robeson (Mark Margolis) that the answer to everything has something to do with the number 216. The number in Kabbalistic tradition is called the Shemhamphorasch, an epithet for a 216-letter name of God derived by medieval kabbalists from the Book of Exodus (chapter 14: 19-21) by reading the letters of three verses in a specific order using a Boustrophedon transform. The name is composed of 72 groups of three letters, each of these triplets being the name of an angel or intelligence. As I've continued work on the following ToE ( http://www.scribd.com/doc/33829028/The-Scarcity-Hypothesis-v2-0-7 ). This scene has served as an excellent reminder that if we're to read qualities in to numbers. We must do so with rigor not arbitrary declarations of truth based on little more than assumptions.


  1. DNA Structure is the same with base 10 geometrical loop system structure thus made digital root legit. The key is 1+8, it's in the DNA. 5+3+1. The meaning of 531 is witnessing, it's in the Quran [53:10]. The deeper meaning in [53:10-18]. These number related with golden ratio and align with everything in the universe.
  2. haha this is the main part of the movie for those who believe in pseudoscience shit and fibonacci numerology
  3. In Ion Murgu Integers Powers Fundamental Equations isn't only Numerology, is also Math , a Math what I hope will bring balance in Math.
    #IonMurguIntegersPowersFundamentalEquations, #UnderHumanityNaturalLawOfCopyright
    I am Stoned and ashamed to invoke the Humanity Natural Law Of Copyright but is because this is New and Scientists are taking by surprise.
  4. Shemhamphorash
  5. +anirudh shekhawat - Zero (0) is the average of -1 and +1 or sometimes just a place-holder (0.0001. In the West numbers got by fairly well without it until about 1200 AD when Fibonacci (a.k.a. Leonardo of Piza) imported it from Africa along with the rest of the Arabic Numerals.
  6. is it odd, that if you take the number of hours in a solar day (24) and subtract the number of hours in a sidereal day ( a day with respect to the fixed stars in the sky) which is 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds.... you get 3.9333333 minutes......... which if you multiply that by the number of degrees in a circle, you get the decimals for pi? am i crazy or is this freaking wierd?
  7. I love that movie!
  8. Best scene of  Mark Margolis.
  9. Tio!
  10. Ding Ding Ding!
  11. Halflife 3 confirmed.
  12. numbers are the precise face of reality, formless, timeless and deathless, primes are primes because they bigger in magnitude just by 1 from their immediate smaller counterpart(a composite) but not as same as saying 5 is bigger than 4 by 1 but instead 4 becomes prime just by adding 1 to it
  13. numbers exixt because of zero, but if you take out all the numbers, nothing will be left not even zero because zero is a number, a number representing death of all the numbers once and for all
  14. This is insanity max! When your mind becomes obsessed with anything you will filter anything else out and that thing everywhere. You have chosen 216 and you will find it everywhere in nature. But Max, as soon as you discard scientific rigour, you are no longer a mathematician... You're a numerologist.
  15. numerology is hocus pocus
  16. I love this scene
  17. Great scene.
  18. Just realized what I typed was already in the description, lol.
  19. 216 is the number of characters in the Hebrew word for God. (72 3 letter words) Each of the 72 words are also names of different angels. It was said the Rabbis of olden times could use the 72 word name to pull off miraculous feats. One ritual involved them writing the name down on a piece of paper and putting it into the mouth of a clay man and thus brought it to life. (A golem) You keep going farther into the rabbit hole when you read about this stuff.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 26591

Duration: 1m 10s

Rating: 197