
  1. Hi FF. In your opinion, how much 'hard cash' should I be keeping at home? I'm not talking gold, silver or funds in banks/stocks, just plain physical pound notes. I've a wife and 2 young kids. Would like to hear from your subs on this also. Many thanks. Mark in the UK
  2. The problem is, adjusted for inflation over the long-term 20 to 30 years +, it's rare for most people to have experienced anything other than very marginal growth, if they've experienced growth at all.  The people giving the kind of advice you're talking about are likely more interested in something guaranteed not to evaporate in value or always be worth something.  They are less interested in growth and more interested in preservation.  And keep in mind, preservation doesn't equate to staying even and certainly doesn't equate to growth.  It simply means preservation or losing less than those around you.  There's a lot of what you say that I agree with, but sometimes I think you aren't quite getting where the other person is coming from.
  3. What would you say the definition is of a liquid asset? One definition that I've seen is that it can be easily be converted into cash. PM's qualify in that sense. However you can't do anything with PM's until you convert it into dollars so in that sense it's not liquid. 
    Any luck in convincing stackers that owning silver and nothing else is totally not diversified? Silver can become a big storage and security problem. If a person is keeping 5000 oz of silver in their home they are opening themselves up to theft.
  4. Colloidal silver id diversified it also hides the grey like "just for men" que music matcho matcho man
  5. Ed do you think Amazon will ever make a Profit ???
  6. You can't really compare precious metals to stocks they are in different ball parks. You should compare it to other currencies.
  7. Good video 100% precious metal is crazy
  8. A thing that gives metals a good leg up is that here in the UK you get fucked over if you save too much money in the bank so having metals is a good way round that somewhat .But i am young and for the first time in my life i am looking at money and being Careful and the metals are the reason for that so i am happy
  9. When is the market going to have a pullback already? If I was heavily into generic bullion I'd be freakin.
  10. I really thought that I was the stupidest subscriber you had but after listening how that guy said just stack American eagles for a good 401k well I think we have a new winner. Omg that has to be about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I don't even know where to start with this one. First off silver doesn't even pay a dividend, produce anything or will ever grow. So when you stack eagles for the next 20-30 years and in 30 years even if the price of silver is $50 bucks then so what? You haven't made shit when you figure inflation. I can't think of what the number is but it's something like $50a month invested as a young person in your early 20s will turn into over a million by the time youre 60 or something like that. I don't konw what that investment is i'm sure it's some kind of paper, stocks, bonds, mutual funds but I'll guarantee you it's not fucking eagles. silver is a fairly good store of value over the long term but that's just about it. if all you want to do is have some of your money left in 30 years then great keep stacking but as for me i want to grow my wealth. oh btw gold is down over 11 bucks in the Asian markets. Keep stacking. Don't worry about pullbacks, dollar cost average into the metals, silver is the most undervalued asset in the history of the world.
  11. I think at least part of the reason why people do the "silver only" thing is because it's easy, cheap, and uncomplicated.  They can order a single oz. or a roll and not have it break the bank.  They don't have to do investment research.  Also, if it's not numis or semi-numis they are likely in a safe deposit box, safe, closet.  Out of sight, out of mind means its easy to keep.  Throwing money in the bank means statements and other reminders that the money is there and available.  But you're right that's not a good strategy and they won't end up with as much money in the end as if they invested.
  12. Investing is very difficult for the average Joe. In fact, I think it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE in these types of HFT Markets. You can only invest in things you know about very well. And most people - know next to nothing. Silver isn't an investment (unless you play the paper game) - Silver and Gold are SAVINGS. The average Joe is way better SAVING rather than INVESTING.
  13. Considering most people don't even save, its better than nothing.
  14. You want to know how to make money in the stock market???....Ask me what stocks I am buying then short the piss out of em. I swear every stock I pick has hit new 52 week lows lately!
  15. Thank you very much for yet another great video. I must be one of the few who doesn't buy the American Silver Eagles. Instead, I have bought a certain amount of 90% constitutional Silver and have squirreled it away.
  16. Don't worry my friend, I think most of people here, have a reasonable exposure to PM and understand the necessity of diversification; the fact that there is part of our wealth need to be liquid and part of it is more long term and can be invested in different kind of assets to growth through time.
  17. what if All currency de-vaules by 40% global , 5$ silver would be nice but theres always a premium and vat depending where in the world you live
  18. your a good guy for trying to help people-----Im retired and my wife and I are living pretty good but wish somebody like you told me this when I was younger
  19. Good, safe and sound advice.
  20. Great vid Thanks EdDiversification is the way forward. I wouldn't be thinking like that if it wasn't for you.So once again thank god for channels like yours

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