Simpler Options: Earnings Secrets Webinar

Now’s your chance to find out how it’s possible to turn these binary events into high probability ‘planned profit’ opportunities. John F. Carter Learn best practices for trading options by joining the Simpler Trading club. John F. Carter, a successful trader and entrepreneur, leads community members through live trades daily while explaining strategies, significant market opportunities, and indicators that work. Together, newbies and experienced traders alike share knowledge and experience, supporting each other in an active trading forum. Staff members: John F. Carter [Options, Founder and CEO of Simpler Trading] Henry Gambell [Options] Chris Brecher [Options on Stocks] Raghee Horner [Forex] Carolyn Boroden [Fibonacci] Bruce Marshall [Options] Tucker Stipe [Options] Neil Yeager [Futures] Pat Barnham [Futures] Tony LaPorta [Futures and Bonds] David Starr [Elliott Wave] Eric Purdy [Thinkscript for the Thinkorswim trading platform] Brian Brokaw [tech & tools] Darrell Gum [tech & tools]


  1. obviously these strategies have an incredible upside of you play them right. however my concern is you don't receive enough didactics when things go wrong. you can wipe out your account easily if you do not know how to defend and unfortunately I do not see much emphasis on that. these are sexy seductive strategies that can cost you
  2. What about THETA? Does it not hurt buying the 10/30 delta 2 weeks before earnings... will the rise of Implied Vol be enough to offset THETA?
  3. best video on options i have seen.
  4. are you using straddles with the delta .10 plays?
  5. does not work?

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Visibility: 3294

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 24