Symbols of an Alien Sky (Full Documentary)

The EU2017 Conference: Future Science -- Aug 17 - 20, Phoenix: Here we offer David Talbott's first glimpses of celestial dramas in ancient times. Just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears and inspiring the vast complex of world myths and symbols. See the next two full documentaries in the Symbols of an Alien Sky series: Episode 2, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric Comet JOIN US ON PATREON and watch our influence grow: “Changing the world through understanding of the Electric Universe." Subscribe to Thunderbolts Update newsletter: The Thunderbolts Project Home: Essential Guide to the Electric Universe: Facebook: Twitter: @tboltsproject Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill: Electric Universe T-shirts and Gifts:


  1. i suppose; in a few more years, when super-duper AI Cogitators are available, they'll be able to create Virtual Models of the Earlier Solar System with enough detail to demonstrate or refute all of these deeply crazy ideas.
  2. Food for though...
  3. Hum... assisti o episódio 2 e achei espetacular, sem duvidas as paisagens de marte foi configurada graças as eletricidade em altíssimos níveis, mas nesse episódio 1... o autor forçou em.... e forçou bem. Lamentável, desculpe meu amigo mas suas especulações são bem difíceis de aceitar. Do meio para o final esse documentário ficou um desastre, sua hipótese de planetas colados uns nos outros a pouco tempo atrás, e depois se afastando, e ai gerando as simbologias dos antigos é muita bobagem na minha opinião. Terá de suar muito para fazer as pessoas acreditarem em tanta fantasia, e exibir as evidencias em Marte não vai ajudar muito. Episode 2 Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning Scarred Planet, Mars
  4. Holy shit. Our consciousness has been actively controlled...I'm guessing under the presupposition that it's for our own good...
  5. well, that was a disappointing hour and 18 min. firstly... mars and Venus are on opposing sides of earth... so that alignment is a crock of bs!!! debunk nubiru all you want... but all this doco has verified for me is the path of nubiru as it passes earth. locking onto our mantle ( hence the sun lighting up different stages of this alignment and the alignment being the centre of the sky. the plasma discharges.... nubiru being red. the blue kachina... sorry but it all fits rather too nicely)
    this is exactly why i think history is history in my eyes. like he states at the start.... everyone was consumed with history and what happened in the past. past is past... move on.
    this doco has just pissed me right off. its so far off the truth its ridiculous. venus saturn and mars did not align. argh!! what a waste of my life watching that was
  6. You can see these star patterns today. The wheels, star spikes, wheels within wheels, all of the shapes. Merely take a P900 Nikon camera on a tripod and zoom in on Polaris or any close star and you'll see the things this video claims were only in the past. In fact, you can watch videos of stars right here on YouTube. Do some research.
  8. Hello mr talbott awesome research somehow claims to doctor velikosvky I am glad of it the true nature of the mythological gods that by the way collapses myths about beings aliens as Anunakisdioses man ants dragons and sacred books are explained in the light of their investigations but because these investigations Have not reached the masses and become more public
  9. i swear to god i am an hour in and not once has he explained what causes the energy formations around venues, or how the planets ended up so close to earth and why they left, or why earth was not ripped apart by tidal forces, or if the gods where inspired by close planets why then are most of the gods human in shape and not round. All he has done is show similar pieces of art from different parts of the planet, you need more than a few cave paintings to prove that everything we think we know about astronomy is wrong.
  10. Planck Satellite Confirms WMAP Findings: Universe is not Copernican
    The Modern World is Faced with the Breach of a Far Reaching Paradigm

    Most cosmologists will not admit it publicly, but perhaps over a beer they would tell you what is happening. Observations over the last 50 years, culminating with the Planck satellite results (March 2013) set modern science on a counter revolution leading closer to ideas formed 500 years ago. Today’s cosmology is based on two broad principles: The Copernican Principle (we are not in a special place in the universe) and the Cosmological Principle (The Copernican Principle, plus isotropy- the view from anywhere in the universe looks about the same). Starting with early studies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and in recent years culminating with results from the COBE then the WMAP satellites, scientists were faced with a signal at the largest scales of the universe- a signal that pointed right back at us, indicating that we are in a special place in the universe.
    Without getting overly technical, the Copernican and cosmological principles require that any variation in the radiation from the CMB be more or less randomly distributed throughout the universe, especially on large scales. Results from the WMAP satellite (early 2000s) indicated that when looking at large scales of the universe, the noise could be partitioned into “hot” and “cold” sections, and this partitioning is aligned with our ecliptic plane and equinoxes. This partitioning and alignment resulted in an axis through the universe, which scientists dubbed “the axis of evil”, because of the damage it does to their theories. This axis is aligned to us. Lawrence Krauss commented in 2005:
    “ But when you look at [the cosmic microwave background] map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That’s crazy. We’re looking out at the whole universe. There’s no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun — the plane of the earth around the sun — the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe.”
    Most scientists brushed the observation off as a fluke of some type, and many theories were created to explain it away. Many awaited the Planck mission. The Planck satellite was looked upon as a referee for these unexpected (and unwelcome) results. The Planck satellite used different sensor technology, and an improved scanning pattern to map the CMB. In March 2013, Planck reported back, and in fact verified the presence of the signal in even higher definition than before!
    There are cosmologists and scientists who recognize the signal for what it is, and recent articles have started talking about the need for some “new physics” to explain the results. Even on the Planck mission website Professor Efstathiou states:
    “Our ultimate goal would be to construct a new model that predicts the anomalies and links them together. But these are early days; so far, we don’t know whether this is possible and what type of new physics might be needed. And that’s exciting”
    Other observations have independently validated the “axis of evil” in recent years, and this adds credibility to the CMB observations. These observations include galaxy rotation alignments to our tiny part of the universe . Very recent reports include observations of alignment between “sky distributions of powerful extended quasars and some other sub-classes of radio galaxies” and “a plane passing through the two equinoxes and the north celestial pole (NCP)”. Also anisotropy of cosmic acceleration in Union2 Type Ia supernova appear to be aligning with the CMB features. All this supports the contention that the Copernican Principle (and cosmological) have effectively been invalidated without even discussing the quantization of various astronomical features about us, which further support the contention.
    The question is ‘what will modern science do now’? Will they invent additional parameters to keep the current theories alive (in addition to those already added: dark matter, dark energy, redshift as expansion, big bang inflation, etc.) or will they consider the possibility that we are in a special place as observations clearly indicate?
  11. that's it. i think he got history right finally.
  12. A recent discovery was reported by the Youtube channel, BPEarthwatch, that the Earth is actually part of the Andromeda system which is intersecting with the Milky Way galaxy. Scientific Satellites track "fast moving objects" moving through our Solar System. Such things moving through our Solar System could easily rearrange planets' orbits. So things that are not orbiting the sun may have played a role in the past and/or play a role in the future paths or even existence of planets.
  13. im high af
  14. Holy SHIT! My skull cracked open and I am LOVING it. Thank you.
  15. This is so fascinating! Great job on the subtitles, too. Very helpful.
  16. video not available... why?
  17. If all this is so important why dose a book published in 1980 (The Saturn Myth) remain unpublished and now is almost impossible to get unless you have thousands of dollars to blow! What a fucked up world we live in!!! That being said...great documentary!
  18. This is amazing. Can't wait for part 2 and 3.
  19. This is absolutely astounding and insightful but I think I missed a
    couple of items...Were the planets at one time closer to each other (and
    to Earth) and thus were more easily visible and did Saturn's rings
    appear at some point AFTER its depictions in prior civilizations?
  20. the milky way is ourabouras. that so true across cultures from my readings. serpent, feathered, eating its own tail. just look up into the night sky! today i visit uxmal pyramids, the locals i asked know kulcukan not as venus, that diety is not a serpent but has other symbols. good video but confusing too much

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Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 8768