Tax Deductions and Investing Strategies For Passive Real Estate Investors

In this webinar with professional investor David Campbell, tax strategist Amanda Han CPA, and self-directed IRA expert Kaaren Hall you'll learn: * Important reporting requirements to maximize Tax Deductions for private lenders, IRA investors, real estate investors, general partnerships, limited partnerships, and syndication investors * How limited partnerships and real estate syndications can be a powerful alternative to investing in the stock market * How to get all of the Tax Deductions available to real estate investors without the hassle of dealing with tenants * Ways to reap the Tax Deductions of real estate investing like the wealthy do * Strategies to write-off your vacation trips using your rental properties * The 3 biggest myths about real estate Tax Deductions - debunked! * Strategies to pay yourself rather than the IRS * How you can make smarter choices about your retirement investing using a self-directed IRA This Webinar is appropriate for both new and experienced real estate investors.


  1. Did you know that Property tax only penalizes people who are disabled, lose a spouse, lose their job, have excessive medical bills and farmers who lose a crop, to name a few..  Property tax is discriminatory.  Property tax should be replaced by sales tax and the internet sales tax should be enacted, nationally, as governor Pat Quinn suggested.  These big corportations are not paying any taxes, yet the common citizen is left holding the bill their property is being rented from the government or stolen by the government. 

    Look at this, if you own a business and some people come in and say you owe us money or we will smash your windows and destroy your business, is that illegal.  Absolutely!  But this is exactly what property tax is doing to every citizen.  This is a crime that is being commited by all states and a way to say that your deed is not your deed, but you owe us rent or they will destroy your life and take everything you own for pennies on the dollar..

    Did you know that on the day of the property tax sale, if your car is on the property, the buyer of the property also owns your car, or your motorcycle, or your boat, lawn mower, tools and everything that is in the house and on the propey.  I know about his because I am going through this right now.  Property tax is only designed to take your property and transfer it to a big corporation just for pennies on the dollar.  Professor Wolf Blitzer explains this very well.  The corporations buy your property and then resell it, and then buy bonds which are non taxable, theyfore the state is stealing from the poor and giving it to the rich who don't pay any taxes.  Pretty convinenent.

    People buy property to ensure that when they have hard times, they will always have a place to live and a roof over their head.  This is explained in the constitution when it talks about life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.  Property tax says, tough luck, we want your property tax so that our campaign funders, the rich, will own everything and you will become a slave to their every whim.

    Are you aware that when a high school runs its lights for a football game that it cost the tax payers between 1500-2500 dollars per night for every game.  And the tax payer is told that their taxes are necessary to pay for education.  Why don't they play the games duing the day and stop burning up our money on these expensive lights.

    So here's what we really need to do to avoid property tax.  1. Make sure that the Internet Sales Tax is enstated in every state.  2. Stop playing sports at night.  3. Elimate property tax on a primary residence and up to 80 acres, the rest must pay tax.  4. Move to the pre Regan trickle down economics, an experiment that didn't work and make  the rich pay their fair share of tax.  4. Reinstate the tariff so that imports are taxed and that industry again thrives in the U.S.  6.  Make Congressmen and Senators pay to redecorate their offices themselves, and not the taxpayer.

    These things will put tax money in our governments and would stop stealing from the people who have had hard luck or who have become disabled.  C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster, Disabled Veteran.

    P.S.  Yes, they are taking my property and why did I join the military during a time of war, it makes me wonder.  It sure wasn't to protect our country, it was so that big corporations can make huge amounts of money while they are shipping our jobs overseas and taking our property when our economy continues to fail.  That's the truth.   

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