The Good Life | Robert Waldinger | TEDxBeaconStreet

What makes us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you want to invest in "the good life," where should you put your time and energy? Robert Waldinger answers these questions with lessons learned from a 75-year-long study of adult life that started in the late 1930s and continues to this day. Robert Waldinger is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and Zen priest. He directs the Harvard Study of Adult Development at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and teaches at Harvard Medical School. To learn more about The Good Life and keep abreast of research findings, insights, and more, visit This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


  1. My Pastor has preached about this before. Yes this is very true.
  2. so happy to listen to when he is talking ....
  3. "Hi, I'm kinda awkward and I'm looking for some of those meaninful relationships, any advice?" d
  4. "Hi, I'm kinda awkward and I'm looking for some of those meaninful relationships, any advice?"
  5. "Hi, I'm kinda awkward and I'm looking for some of those meaninful relationships, any advice?"
  6. "Hi, I'm kinda awkward and I'm looking for some of those meaninful relationships, any advice?"
  7. Serenity and Satisfaction.This is the answer.
  8. Idea worth sharing for :), Cheers!!
  9. It definitely sounds great, the study it's fascinating by nature, but what about if close relationships just don´t come to you often or last long? What if you've been disfunctional since you were a kid? I've tried to get involved deeply with other, but it always goes wrong. Maybe they should do a study on how to have meaningful relationships, I guess. Nice video, though.
  10. :)
    its the best word i ever heard
  11. legal Barbra.beijos
  12. การวิจัยที่ยาวนาน
  13. My respects Robert Waldinger.
  14. such a great video. great relationships are key.
  15. I'm sorry. because my English is so poor. So I only can speak Chinese. 我認為他說的真的很有道理 但是又能怎樣 大家會提起動力改變這一切嗎? 我想應該不會 要改變有錢人的生活真的非常困難 可說覺得 如果 每個有錢人 捐出財產的千分之一 應該能夠幫助貧窮的人過得更好 這可能有點跳tane了!但我想應該不難 只要你有貢獻的心 就可以做到世界和平.Oh I'm sorry again let you have to screach Google. it's my problem.
  16. I'm kinda of a misanthrope. Guess I'm screwed! I'll sure need a lot of pain killers when I get old at my, ah, uhh... 50s?
  17. Gość mądrze godo ... ale zapomniał wspomnieć o 1 kluczowej w życiu ludzkim relacji ... którą każdy może mieć (niektórzy sami dobrowolnie z niej rezygnują) - o relacji z Bogiem - kluczowej - bo sama w sobie jest szczęściorodna i uzdalnia do tego, by relacja z drugim człowiekiem była szczęsciorodna :)
  18. But what if you don't like most people?

    I can only put on a smiley facade for about 2 weeks. And then I never want to see them again because the pretense has given me too much stress.
    Interestingly, the people I can seem to stand never seem to want to be with me for longer than that time period either.

    Guess I'll just die in my 50s. We can't all get the good life.
  19. 10:56-11:16 Anyone noticed that look & smile following what a cute couple
  20. excelente! algo que reflexionar...mas que conocimiento ,un aprendizaje de vida

Additional Information:

Visibility: 503750

Duration: 15m 4s

Rating: 4873