The Weight of Chains 2 | Težina lanaca 2

Support the author, buy the DVD: 'The Weight of Chains 2' is a Canadian documentary film by Boris Malagurski dealing with neoliberal reforms in the Balkans and the effects of these reforms on all aspects of life in the former Yugoslavia, from politics, economics, military, culture and education to the media. Through stories of sold off companies, corrupt politicians, fictional tribunals and various military alliances, the film deconstructs modern myths about everything the people have been told will bring them a better life. Featuring Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone, Michael Parenti, Carla Del Ponte and others. Like the author's Facebook Page: Boris Malagurski is a Serbian-Canadian film director, producer, writer, television host and activist. His films include "Kosovo: Can You Imagine?" (2008), "The Weight of Chains" (2010), "The Presumption of Justice" (2012), "Belgrade" (2013) and "The Weight of Chains 2" (2014), and his work has been screened on festivals worldwide, including Raindance in London, BANEFF in Stockholm and Oslo, Montecasino Festival in Johannesburg, Subversive Festival in Zagreb and Beldocs in Belgrade, and broadcast on TV channels worldwide, including RT, RTS and Eurochannel. © Copyright by Malagurski Cinema, 2015


  1. Dusan Gamser Scheming Weasel pesma. Prikladno. :D
  2. Koga bre ovo zanima, samo 65.000 pregleda. Daj leba i igara, ljudi su lenju da razmisljaju, idu linijom manjeg otpora, Happy zna formulu
  3. dveri gay
  4. Malagurski je kontrolisana opozicija i show man,jer show mora da ide dalje,razumem da ovim videom pokusava da ljudima otvori oci,da se vidi sta je sve bilo,bla bla,ali sta imate od toga kada sve ovo nece promeniti nista,ni za milimetar,sve ovo se ili desilo ili jos uvek desava,ljudi koji zasluzuju dozivotnu robiju ili giljotinu zvog vele izdaje,pljacke,teskog kriminala,ubistva,korupcije,JOS UVEK SU TU,NA JOS VECIM FUNKCIJAMA! Nastavljaju da sire iluziju i peru ionako oprane mozgove sve jadnijem SAVREMENOM coveku,koji misli da sve zna,da je u skoli naucio nesto vredno,da zna sta su prave vrednosti,ko je i gde se u sustini NALAZI! NE gospodin malagurski vam to nece reci ni u trecem delu "Tezine Lanaca",NECE,jer SHOW IDE DALJE! Ko je shvatio sta sam hteo da kazem,razume kako sistem funkcionise,kako se boriti protiv kapitalizma(feudalizma),budite se dok jos uvek nije kasno...laku noc
  5. That feeling when you are Czech and at 14:00 you hear Antonín Dvořák's Vltava in a Serbian documentary :-D
  7. Dođe mi da odem juče iz zemlje svoje, i vratim se kad mlada osoba na 1:50:10 bude preCednik...
  8. The Weight of Chains 1&2 is bigest eye-opener documentary saga regarding Neoliberal lobotomy. Masterpiece.
    BRAVO BOKIIIII. Ovo se pakuje na privatan cloud i čuva od zaborava !!!
  9. Ovaj dokumentarac treba da pogledaju svi gradjani bivse SFRJ.
  10. Need translation(English)
  11. Živjelo rasturanje jugoslavije
  12. very interesting indeed and history tends to be redundant my dear Serdian friends, but it wouldn't harm a translation written underneath.
    God bless!!
  14. ima i istine ali i neistine u filmu
  15. @Boris Malagurski 1:43:48 K-15 means holiday compensation (kind of a 13th salary), not TV programming. Also, Macedonian Gov. reinstated the workers' right to K-15 in 2015 along with other anti-globalist measures, hence the ongoing crisis and constant coup attempts.

    Congratulations to an excellent documentary! Keep up the great work.
  16. good job Boris everything you said is so true
  17. Одличан документарац Борисе. Све похвале!
    Само да додам да куповина треба да буде поједностављена а не да кликнем на линк и да ме тамо дочекају прозорчићи које треба попунити да бих ти послао поруку.
    Дај конкретну продавницу где се може купити DVD.

  18. Svaka čast!
  19. Extra! Istina upakovana u dobru, pitku priču. Svaka čast!
    Ako je moguće, dodajte subtitle za duže scene na srpskom.
  20. papin heroin i domaci popovi prezderani protiv sveta, u epizodi"crvi politicari&topovsko meso prosarano tumorima od osiromasenog uranijuma"

Additional Information:

Visibility: 66563

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 1371