Wealth Gap: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses America's growing wealth gap and why it may be a problem in the future. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: www.youtube.com/user/LastWeekTonight Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: http://Facebook.com/LastWeekTonight Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: http://Twitter.com/LastWeekTonight Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once: http://www.hbo.com/lwt


  1. Person A makes $25,000
    Person B makes $50,000
    INCOME GAP = $25,000

    The Economay Grows. Now:

    Person A makes $50,000
    Person B makes 100,000
    INCOME GAP = $50,000

    Capitalist: Yay! We're all enjoying a higher standard of living together!

    Socialist: Egads! The income gap has DOUBLED! We need to fix this!
  3. Let me give you an example why the "income inequality" is bullshit.
    Let's say someone invents something. A "5D" tv where whenever someone punches someone else in a movie, a steel punch comes out of a box connected to the TV and punches you straight to the face.
    And the world just loves it! It sells 30 million units in the US , and 200 million abroad.

    Now the guy is a billionaire.
    Most of the people who bought this shit are still middle class.
    How will you solve that "income inequality"? How to "solve" that "wealth gap"?

    Tax him at 70%? At 90%? Then why the hell would he keep his company in the US? He would just move it to some country that offers 15% for billionaires , open up office there, get a citizenship there, and all the god damn taxes he would have contributed to the US economy are going there.

    Take everything from him and the rest of the rich, and say everyone will be payed the same?
    Then why oh why would ANYONE spend their valuable time trying to make something NEW or revolutionary , perhaps something that would change the world?
    The potential profit is the main incentive for progress.

    If you don't like the income inequality, don't buy stuff from big companies. Don't get an iphone and then complain about Apple major stock owners being rich.
  4. He named his penis "Jerry"
  5. he knew the password tho. XD
  6. America gives EVERYONE the means to succeed in society. If you want to be a doctor it doesn't matter if you're black, white or asian, no-one will prevent you from getting a high gpa or stop you from taking the MCAT.
  7. People who want socialism are dropkicks who think people shouldn't be compensated more for their contributions to society (e.g. doctors, CEOS etc.) because they have no drive in life.
  8. I'm not rich and I see nothing wrong with families passing down there wealth who the fuck else would they give too !!!!
  9. Omg a president who speaks in complete sentences:) Oh how I have missed you!
  10. 'All of you wins! The system works!' laughed my ass off xD
  11. Or stealing hbo 😂😂😂
  12. Says the guy making 2 million a year...
  13. this is one of his few videos that didn't make me laugh as much is it just made me sad
  14. best suit ive seen him in. Id rock that. shit is cleaaaaaaan
  15. So close to acknowledging the manufacturing of consent. To bad.
  16. Gordon Ramsay is Scottish
  17. We are raised in a ridged class system

    Is true so true
  18. newsflash for 1% shitbags...when we run out of stuff, WE'RE TAKING YOURS
  19. The United states of America is a Kleptocracy. Period.
  20. Roberto Benigni totally deserved that!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 12446689

Duration: 14m 10s

Rating: 72578