What is Buy Stop Sell Stop Buy Limit Sell Limit MT4

How to place trades in MT4 using Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit or Sell Limit


  1. Thanks..
  2. I am always getting invalid S/L or T/P :( cant make a sell
  4. I really need the help of youtube.I'm using poloniex market. say for instance a market was at $10 and it had the chance to go up to $100 upmarket but you didn't know where it stopped
    is there a way to set a limit that if it drops 10℅ at any time you can sell your trade? or how is the best way to set stop sell limits? so you can sell before the market crashes?
  5. Thank you so much for this!
  6. thanks
  7. Your explanation is the easiest one to understand so far. Thank you for sharing this.
  8. buy is where the graf going up while sell is where the graf going down? help im newbie trader just learn in 8 hours ago
  9. I have an issue that my MT5 cannot place any trade
    when I point to a currency like EUR/USD it shown "Trade:Disabled" ... what should I do?
    sry Im kinda new in trading.
  10. So basically a sell stop is the same as a stop loss? lol
  11. Very good and simple explanation of Pending Buy Stop, Buy Limit, Sell Stop and Sell Limit Orders - Shame IG don't make it that easy to understand!!
  12. Very Well explained ....thank you.
  13. Thank you ...very well explained and demonstrated.
  14. I don't understand why your using more then two decimal places. Your splitting hairs. That's not common practice by many traders around the world, it's not rocket science. I could care less if it's a quarter of a cent more per trade.
  15. How to "buy to close" short positions with a limit? The terminology is opaque :(
  16. Very good and simple explanation. Thank you.
  17. Thank you very much for the perfect explanation
  18. Good, clear and easy to follow explanation. Thanks.
  19. Nice video, thank you
  20. thank u so much! this helped me immensely

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Visibility: 78864

Duration: 4m 3s

Rating: 470