When Should You Retrade - Real Estate Investing with Grant Cardone

The ReTrade with Grant Cardone Click here for more: http://grantcardonetv.com/realestate/


  1. hey what's up mister Cardone you want if we save me big time I was literally two weeks away from wanting to buy a house and now I got my eye on the prize and that is multi-family complexes I just wanted to thank you for all the knowledge UV schooling and son the daily💪😎🙌👍😎
  2. I love you too
  3. fuck Tai, Grant is the Man!!
  4. Yaaawwwesomeee!!!!++++:)))))
  5. Yaaawwwesomeee!!!!++++:)))))
  6. The caller from Texas needs to shut his mouth and open his damn ears dummy
  7. Absolutely love it
  8. Hey Grant, why don't you build?
  9. Grant I sent you an email titled opportunity. wanna talk?
  10. "if Ben were a 17 year old virgin, he wouldn't be a virgin no more. Everything in town would have popped him" LOL
  11. "Trust....But VERIFY!"the
  12. the best program of the week
  13. Hey GC, is it okay if you could answer two questions for me;
    1) When analysing the numbers for a deal, do you include repair costs, title search costs, etc, into the purchase cost of the property? i.e the amount you put down.

    2) Since real estate is a numbers game - 100, 10, 5, 3, 1 - do you analyse the numbers (ROI) of 100 deals, then shortlist ten and then go and view the 10 you've shortlisted? Or do you go and view every 100 deals?
  14. Hair looking clean dawg.
  15. grant is Tie Lopez real or fake?
  16. wealth porn..... stupid
  17. Yes GC #10XMONEY
  18. Great!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 9557

Duration: 43m 23s

Rating: 204