Where to Buy Rentals Properties

For more info about investing or where to invest: http://www.simplydoitacademy.com/ http://simplydoit.net/ Hi Dani Beit-Or from simply do it and thank you for joining me for this short segment about where should you buy investment properties if you're considering investing you owe it to yourself to explore where it makes most sense to invest in the one of the biggest challenges I hear from investors is this I leave in the New York City or the San Francisco Bay Area or Seattle Boston in other areas around the country investors automatically consider investing locally which makes sense but if you really think about it for a second does it really makes sense numbers what I think that you always to yourself to explore other parts of the country as as places to invest the main reason the numbers made many times are much much better I'm I'm in numbers by returns are you still live. 10 years I leave now and you know Santee California so even in California resident for about 12 years and I've never purchase a property in California I've been purchasing properties for many years in multiple states rentals and flips and the reason I go out of state is because I want to leave here in the beautiful state of California not too far from the ocean and no not really nice places but the real estate in. It's very expensive and the numbers the rents to return a much lower than I can get the other parts of the country I owe to myself I work hard for my money and I owe it to myself into my family to invest that money wisely and to maximize my returns. When using myself and the investors we work with we going with this in other parts of the country places such as Tampa Florida Houston and Dallas Texas in other parts of the country would be so different markets over the years the reason we go to those areas a very simple relatively properties cheap $150,000 home and nice one hundred thousand two hundred thousand and we rented for about 1% per month next. Growth pattern in terms of populations in jobs in when I say growth pattern that mean past and future I want to be in those areas so for me as an investor out to explore where would I get where would I maximize my returns. No one of my investors told me that about 3 years ago when I just before start working with us he told me that he has himself the following question and he lives in Oakland California he said if I didn't live in Oakland California let's say you would have lived in: Austin Texas would I consider investing in Oakland California and he said the answer was very clear when he asked out real quick question in the anything cuz of course the same way. I leave today in Oakland California and I'm not even considering investing in New York City just doesn't make sense to me numbers one so are they name is this so you should be asking yourself. Locally in a different part of the country and let me tell you in a very quick sentence without going into all the details we've been doing it for so many years. You know eliminated all the kinks in the system to allow investors to safely invest remote in other parts of the country I hope this helps and provide some thinking and maybe open investing in other parts of the country we are doing it on the large scale and you can do it as well we can help you with that I hope to talk to you soon or even meet you soon thank you for spending the time with me my name is Danny bait or from simply do it by. real estate, investing, out of state, house, home, rentals, getting started


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