Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): the law of 33% | Tai Lopez | TEDxUBIWiltz

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this talk, Tai Lopez reminds us that everyone wants the good life, but not everyone gets the good life because not everyone is willing to do what it takes.


  1. srsly this scumbag again>? he s a fraud
  2. good
  3. Why I watch "bajskorv på golvet" every day (and why you should too)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I don't read a book a day, but I'm also not a raging prick, so I'm doing better than this asshole
  5. Simply amazing!
  6. Papa bless.
  7. Arnold Schwartzneger as a personal trainer wouldn't make you any healthier.
  8. Okay, guys, maybe this guy really is a scam artist, but there's some really good stuff here. Or at least these stories are entertaining and inspirational, if not full of substance. Be open minded.
  9. nice soeech. inspired to toughen up
  10. my favourite tedtalk
  11. Now I know why his face seems so familliar when I watched the h3h3 videos...
  12. What's funny, is all you know Tai's tag lines so well. Based on what I know about online marketing, and the kind of ad budget one MUST have for you and I to see their ads on nearly every video that we click on ... I would bet that Tai's a decamillionaire. If not, he convinced some investors with deep pockets to invest into his advertising campaigns for an outrageous ROI.

    Does Tai own the house? WHO CARES - GET YOUR OWN! Does Tai own the super cars? WHO CARES THERE'S TOO MANY TO GO AROUND ... GET YOURS. Personally, I believe that he does. Why? As an online marketer, it's not impossible.

    You could live in your moms basement, and with a few semi big credit wins, on a monthly income of 10k per month, buy (or should I say RENT from the bank) a high end Lambo or Ferrari. I would imagine that his house is between 40k - 50k per month, car payments, could be 20k ... 100k a month is small beans to a savvy online marketer. Do the math, why can't he own it all? $500,000 per month is 6 million per year.

    I know a number of online marketers to do 1 - 7 million dollars per month. NO, I'm not one of them right now ... but will be.

    Cheers all! Be prosperous in all your endeavors. REMEMBER money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does take it on the ride of life with you. Get money, and put your money to work for you and in the lives of others ... allow your money to impact your world in the areas of ultimacy!

    Listen to Tai's videos ... the dude is super wise, and FREELY gives insane value ... he's either the real deal or the best con artist to walk in human flesh.
  13. Here in my garage...
  14. wtf is this? i thought its about reading a book a day
  15. I underestimated how good this would be...
  16. this guy makes ads which come on youtube... I'm not watching!
  17. THe law of 33% is 33% of 33% of 33% of 100 and 1/3 of 33%. Now invest 33% of your income in my scam.
  18. He of course pretends to be a Beta reader of all books and then deliver
    the info to people interested in investing in his pyramid scheme. Based
    on how he talks and presents himself, I'd say the only reading he's
    doing is of coloring books and how to scam the guy standing next to him
  19. what have I realized in this modren world where u don't have time to read books so jusr watch 5 min youtube movie about a book is better than to read a book
  20. after reading the comments section it makes me wonder how does this video have more likes than dislikes

Additional Information:

Visibility: 7221801

Duration: 18m 26s

Rating: 102147